Ex/Pr/ Date Time Location Documents
(Practice Exams)
Lab Quizzes
(see syllabus) All on Wednesdays at 5:00pm except
Thur, 20 June, at 11:00am
Zoom with Honorlock
Lab Quiz: Canvas, Honorlock, Zoom
  • Rules and Policies - Lab Quiz
  • Pr1
    Tues, 2 July
    9:30am - ~noon
    Zoom with Honorlock
    (look for an email from a PI)
    Practical 1 Info
  • Rules and Policies - Practical Quiz
  • Pr2
    Tues, 30 July
    9:30am - ~noon
    Zoom with Honorlock
    (look for an email from a PI)
    Practical 2 Info
  • Rules and Policies - Practical Quiz
  • Final
    Tues, 6 Aug
    Zoom with Honorlock
    Final Info
  • Rules and Policies - Final Exam

  • Lecture Quizzes will happen during the 2nd half of the semester:
  • Lecture Quiz Info
  • Rules and Policies - Lecture Quiz

    Sample Practical:
  • Sample Practical