Holly is an autonomous air cushion vehicle (hovercraft). It addresses the special
problems with detection and avoidance of obstacles with fans as
the method of propulsion.
Here are some pictures of Holly
Tilebot is designed to dispense square tiles according to an image stored in memory while avoiding obstacles. Stepper motors were used to provide accurate tracking and tile placement on a smooth surface.
Scarab is an autonomous agent designed to collect scattered objects from about a room and push them to the brightest area.
Named after Oscar the Grouch of Sesame Street fame, this agent is designed to collect garbage. It does this with an arm-claw assembly.
The robot "THOR" is a Predator with a robotic arm. The robot will utilize predator behaviors and robotic arm behaviors. The predator behaviors will include bumper sensors and IR detection, along with these standard behaviors, "signal" jamming and the use of "kill" boxes will utilized in the robot design.
The goal of the project was to create a robust robotic platform to implement a game-playing autonomous agent. The agent, named Marco, says the word "Marco" and the person playing with the robot replies "Polo". The robot attempts to locate the person from the noise they make.
The objective of this project was to design a predator/prey system. The predator Pantera's goal was to detect the prey and capture it, while trying to avoid other possible obstacles. Fizgig is the prey robot.
The first objective of this research was to build an autonomous agent platform that would be very simple at the hardware level, but would still provide all the functionality of larger scale, more hardware-intensive robots. The second objective of this project was to use several of these robots to simulate flock behaviors.
Clyde is an autonomous house robot designed to explore its surroundings and survive in a cluttered home environment.
The aim for this platform is to provide a minimum vessel for exploring self-learning with respect to gait, terrain navigation, and group behavior.
Big Mac is an autonomous migrating robot. It has four types of sensors -- tactile sensor, IR emitter/detectors, tilt sensor, and digital compass. The robot uses these sensors to integrate four different behaviors -- bump reaction, collision avoidance, tilt reaction, and migration.
Magellan's primary goal is mapping. To this end, the robot is equipped with infrared emitter-detectors for object detection, shaft encoders for determining the robot's relative position, and an electromagnetic compass as a redundant back-up to the shaft encoders.
The robot's main design would be to perform in certain situations much too dangerous for humans. The robot would be outfitted with special pyro-sensors that detect elevated heat levels. Once a fire has been detected, it is equipped with a water pump and a water-reservoir to give it fire-extinguishing capabilities.