Weekly Report


Date: 5/20/03

Student Name: Max Koessick

TA : Uriel Rodriguez

Louis Brandy

Vinh Trinh

Instructor. A. A Arroyo

University of Florida

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

EEL 5666

Intelligent Machines Design Laboratory

Weekly Report 1

Although I have been in Detroit for the Society of Automotive Engineers Formula One Competition, I found time through my hectic schedule to brainstorm a robot idea. Actually, the idea found me.

And ShopBot is born. As we work in and around cars, tools tend to not get returned into the tool chest. At the end of a trypical session, the garage floor is littered with tools. Enter ShopBot. Still in the rough idea stages, I want to build an autonomous machine to clean up the tools.

Presently, I am still working out the sensors that it will need, but I plan to use the Remote Control (RC) metal tank chassis that I have had since a teenager. This tank has metal tracks and is robust enough to survive the oily workshop environment.

Also, I would like to employ a CNC'd (machined) aluminum arm, as I have access to a full machine shop

I plan to use the Atmel AVR family of RISC microprocessors to implement ShopBot. I have worked with these in the past and find them very forgiving (not to mention that I have the developement boards already!!).

Commentary on the Laboratory (Optional)

As of yet, no lab has been required.
