Mathematica definitions

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Set up defaults

Turn off annoying warning messages
Set default options for specific functions

Visualization functions

Fix time variable for sampled signals
Generate periodic waveform from one period

PeriodicSignal[f, {dmin, dmax}, {t, min, max}] generates a periodic waveform for the interval [min, max]. It is assumed that one period of the function f(t) is defined over the interval [dmin, dmax].

Plot periodic waveforms

PeriodicPlot[f, {dmin, dmax}, {t, min, max}, opts] plots a a periodic waveform for the interval [min, max]. It is assumed that one period of the function f(t) is defined over the interval [dmin, dmax]. The 'opts' argument passed plotting options to the Mathematica function Plot[ ].

Plot discrete-time signal as sequence of amplitude lines

Fourier rearrange

FourierRearrange[fft] rearranges the result of an FFT (Mathematica function Fourier[ ]), to a easier to visualize the spectrum represented by 'fft'. The length of the list 'fft' is assumed to be even; if it is not, the last term in 'fft' is dropped.


Short-cut functions

Dirac delta function
Unit step function
Pulse of width [Graphics:../Images/index_gr_11.gif]

Hack to plot [Graphics:../Images/index_gr_13.gif]


Sampler (CT to DT converter)


Converted by Mathematica      March 24, 2003