Explanation of all experiments

Controller types

The control experiments below were conducted using  a C-based simulator. The following controller types were available:

                                                                       .                       ...                                                  p        V        i                             d

Robot types:

In each case, the second of three available manipulators was chosen for the trajectory following experiments -- namely,  a two-link robot manipulator with cylindrical links:

Available robots:\n\n\t1 = two-link planar robot with point mass assumption.\n\t2 = two-link planar robot with cylindrical link assumption.\n\t3 = four-link robot with point mass assumption.


For the simulation plots, the red lines correspond to joint #1 of the robot, while the blue lines correspond to joint #2. For the simulation animations, the yellow robot arm indicates the desired trajectory, while the blue robot arm indicates the actual trajectory.

Created by Mathematica  (November 18, 2003)