Inverse kinematic setup

Puma DH parameters (degrees)

dhDegrees = {{0, 0, 0, θ1}, {-90, 0, 0, θ2}, {0, a2, d3, θ3}, {-90, a3, d4, θ4}, {90, 0, 0, θ5}, {-90, 0, 0, θ6}} ; dhDegrees // TraditionalForm

( 0         0         0         θ1 )            -90       0         0     ...             90        0         0         θ5            -90       0         0         θ6

Puma DH parameters (radians)

dh = ConvertFromDegrees[dhDegrees] ; dh // TraditionalForm

( 0         0         0         θ1 )            -90 °     0         0     ...             90 °      0         0         θ5            -90 °     0         0         θ6

Short-hand display notation

short = MakeRulesList[dh, {{2, 3}}] ; TF := TraditionalForm ; d[m_] := m /. short // TraditionalForm ;

What we know:

In the inverse kinematics problem, we assume that the matrix below is known; that is, we assume that we have a desired position/orientation of the end-effector with respect to the base, and we want to solve for the joint angles.

Trp = RAndPToT[{{r11, r12, r13}, {r21, r22, r23}, {r31, r32, r33}}, {px, py, pz}] ; Trp // TF

( r11   r12   r13   px  )            r21   r22   r23   py            r31   r32   r33   pz            0     0     0     1

Link transforms

T01 = T[dh, 0, 1] ; T01 // d

( c1    -s1   0     0   )            s1    c1    0     0            0     0     1     0            0     0     0     1

T13 = T[dh, 1, 3] // FullSimplify ;  T13 // d

( c23      -s23     0        a2 c2  )            0        0        1        d3            -s23     -c23     0        -a2 s2            0        0        0        1

T34 = T[dh, 3, 4] ; T34 // d

( c4    -s4   0     a3  )            0     0     1     d4            -s4   -c4   0     0            0     0     0     1

T45 = T[dh, 4, 5] ; T45 // d

( c5    -s5   0     0   )            0     0     -1    0            s5    c5    0     0            0     0     0     1

T56 = T[dh, 5, 6] ; T56 // d

( c6    -s6   0     0   )            0     0     1     0            -s6   -c6   0     0            0     0     0     1

Overall transform

Below, we now have 12 possible equations in terms of the joint angles; namely Trp = T06...

T06 = T01 . T13 . T34 . T45 . T56 ; T06 //Transpose // d

( c6 (c5 (c1 c23 c4 + s1 s4) - c1 s23 s5) - (c1 c23 s4 - c4 s1) s6    c6 (c5 (c23 c4 s ... 3                            -c23 d4 - a2 s2 - a3 s23                                            1

Trp // Transpose // d

( r11   r21   r31   0   )            r12   r22   r32   0            r13   r23   r33   0            px    py    pz    1

Created by Mathematica  (September 29, 2003)