Section 1: Two-link planar manipulator

DH parameters

DH = {{0, 0, 0, θ1, 0}, {0, L1, 0, θ2, 0}, {0, L2, 0, 0, 0}} ;  DH //TraditionalForm

( 0         0         0         θ1   0       )            0         L1        0         θ2   0            0         L2        0         0         0

Numeric values for simulation

nDH = DH /. {L1 -> 1, L2 -> 1/2} // N ;  nDH // TraditionalForm

( 0.`       0.`       0.`       θ1   0.`     )            0.`       1.`       0.`       θ2   0.`            0.`       0.5`      0.`       0.`       0.`

Nonsingular inverse Jacobian trajectory

This section simulates the relationship Overscript[θ, .] = J^(-1) Overscript[X, .]for a non-singular, circular, end-effector trajectory.

RowBox[{RowBox[{pick = {1, 1} ;,  , (* select first two rows of Jacobian *), <br />, RowBox[{R ... } // N ;,  , (* initial joint angles *), <br />, maxTime = 2Pi // N ;}], (* simulation length *)}]

traj = SIJVT[ nDH, pick, path1, init1, maxTime] ;

Square Jacobian: Using Inverse[ ]

AnimateTrajectory[nDH, traj, 2] ;


Singular inverse Jacobian trajectory

This section simulates the relationship Overscript[θ, .] = J^(-1) Overscript[X, .]for a straight-line end-effector trajectory that results in a singularity.

pick = {1, 1} ; path2 = { 1, 0} ; init2 = {Pi/6, -Pi/2} // N ; maxTime = 10 ;

traj = SIJVT[ nDH, pick, path2, init2, maxTime] ;

Square Jacobian: Using Inverse[ ]

NDSolve :: ndsz : At t == 0.38247792793252683`, step size is effectively zero; singularity or stiff system suspected.  More…

AnimateTrajectory[nDH, traj, 2] ;


Joint velocities Overscript[θ, .] _1 andOverscript[θ, .] _2

endTime = traj[[1, 1, 1, 2]] ;

{vθ1, vθ2} = {D[traj[[1]][t], t], D[traj[[2]][t], t]} ;

Plot[{vθ1, vθ2}, {t, 0, endTime}, FrameTrue, PlotStyle {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], RGBColor[0, 0, 1]}] ;


Created by Mathematica  (October 1, 2003)