Visualization definitions
Drawing subroutines
Markov model drawing function (DrawMarkov)
DrawMarkov[A, opts] takes the state transition matrix A and zero or more options opt, and draws the corresponding Markov model. When the Markov model is labeled, some subscripts may be reversed. In that case, FixText[Graphic, {{i1,j1},{i2,j2},...}] will switch the {ik,jk} subscripts. The function SubstituteValues[Graphic, A] will substitute actual values of the matrix A into the Markov model plot.
* MarkovStyle → {Circular, Sequential}: arrange states in a circle or in a line.
* AngularOffset → 0 Degree: offset for circularly arranged Markov models.
* StateSize → 1/4: relative size of state circles.
* StateColor → GrayLevel[.75]: color of each state.
* LineThickness → 1/2 (point): default line thickness for drawing.
* BendAngle → 20 Degree: curvature of state-transition arcs.
* SelfCircleSize → 1/5: relative radius of self-connections.
* SelfCircleOffset → 1/3: relative offset of self-connections from center of states.
* ArrowAngleTop → 10 Degree: arrow tip spread angle.
* ArrowAngleBottom → 10 Degree: arrow tail angle.
* ArrowLength → 0.075: relative length of arrows.
* TextOffset → 1.1: transition arcs offset for text labeling.
* SelfTextOffset → 0.1: self-transition arcs offset for text labeling.
* MarkovText → True: whether to label Markov model with text.
* FontSize → 12: what font size to use.
* FontFamily → "Times": what font family to use.
* FontSlant → "Italic": what font slant to use.
Hidden Markov model drawing function (DrawHMM)
DrawHMM[A, B, opts] takes the state transition matrix A, observable matrix B zero, and zero or more options opt, and draws the corresponding hidden Markov model. When the Markov model is labeled, some subscripts may be reversed. In that case, FixText[Graphic, {{i1,j1},{i2,j2},...}] will switch the {ik,jk} subscripts. The function SubstituteValues[Graphic, A] will substitute actual values of the matrix A into the Markov model plot.
* HMMStyle → {Circular, Sequential}: arrange states in a circle or in a line.
* AngularOffset → 0 Degree: offset for circularly arranged Markov models.
* StateSize → 1/4: relative size of state circles.
* StateColor → GrayLevel[.75]: color of each state.
* LineThickness → 1/2 (point): default line thickness for drawing.
* BendAngle → 20 Degree: curvature of state-transition arcs.
* SelfCircleSize → 1/5: relative radius of self-connections.
* SelfCircleOffset → 1/3: relative offset of self-connections from center of states.
* ArrowAngleTop → 10 Degree: arrow tip spread angle.
* ArrowAngleBottom → 10 Degree: arrow tail angle.
* ArrowLength → 0.075: relative length of arrows.
* TextOffset → 1.1: transition arcs offset for text labeling.
* SelfTextOffset → 0.1: self-transition arcs offset for text labeling.
* MarkovText → True: whether to label Markov model with text.
* FontSize → 12: what font size to use.
* FontFamily → "Times": what font family to use.
* FontSlant → "Italic": what font slant to use.
* ObservableStyle → {Style1, Style2,...}:
* StateText → True: whether to label states.
Draw observation sequence (DrawObservationSequence)
Draw observation sequence transpose (DrawObservationSequenceTranspose)
Created by Mathematica (October 20, 2003)