Basic image processing
Basic image display and conversion
Matrix to Mathematica Image object
Display Mathematica image object
Read image file to matrix
Save matrix to image file
Color to grayscale
Grayscale to color (data conversion)
Simple image creation
Create single color image
Clip single pixel/channel image values
Create Gaussian noise image
Histogram modifications
Support function for histogram plotting
Plot image histogram
Histogram equalization
Histogram stretch
Histogram slide
Pixel modifications (apply function to individual pixels)
Gray scale: such that
Color: such that
2D convolution with masks
Mask operators
Texture example
(L = Level, E = Edge, S = Spot, R = Ripple) TexureMasks: (EL, RL, ES, RR, SL, EE, ER, SR)
2D convolution
Pad image with border rows so that 2D convolution does not shrink image
2D convolution of a single channel
2D convolution of an image w/kernel (image dimensions unaffected for square masks with odd-numbered dimensions)
Median filtering
Filter one channel with (2n+1) x (2n+1) median filter
Filter image with (2n+1) x (2n+1) median filter
Image thresholding
Simple thresholding
Gaussian thresholding (defined only for color images)
Mahalanobis distance from point to Gaussian distribution
Gaussian threshold an image
Create Gaussian distance image
Hough transform (straight lines)
Hough transform helper function
From binary image, generate a sorted list of scaled line parameters
From binary image, generate Hough accumulator matrix
From binary image, returns the parameters for the top , where
Visualize detected straight lines over some image
Visualize Hough accumulator
Blob finding ("Connected Component Labeling")
Identify foreground neighbors of pixel (x, y) in image
First pass of blob finding algorithm
Unify adjacencies of labels after first pass of blob finding algorithm: support functions
Second pass of blob finding algorithm
Label all blobs with unique label in a binary image
Count the number of blobs in a labeled blob image (after BlobFind[ ])
Eliminate all but the largest blob from a labeled blob image (after BlobFind[ ])
Display a blob image with different random color assigned to each blob
Morphological operators for binary images
Created by Mathematica (February 5, 2004)