Local definitions

General definitions

Turn off annoying spelling warnings

Off[General :: spell] ; Off[General :: spell1] ;

Load necessary packages

<<Graphics`Graphics` ; <<Graphics`Colors` ; <<Graphics`ImplicitPlot` ;

Hough transform illustrations

Shorthand notation

dp = DisplayFunction$DisplayFunction ;

Illustrate Hough space for a single point and a single θ value

SinglePointSingleTheta[{xc_, yc_}, {xmax_, ymax_}, θc_, {ga_, gb_}] := Module[{&# ... 2;max + .1}, {ρmin - 1, ρmax + 1}}, FrameTrue] ;  {g12, g3b} ] ;

Illustrate Hough space for a single point and all possible orientations

SinglePoint[{xc_, yc_}, {xmax_, ymax_}, dθ_, gfirst_: {Null, Null}] := Module[{&# ... a[{xc, yc}, {xmax, ymax}, #2, {gfirst[[1]], #1//Last}] &, {Null, gfirst[[2]]}, θl], 1]] ;

Visualize a set of "edge" points

PointSet[l_, {xmax_, ymax_}] := Show[Graphics[{Magenta, PointSize[.02], Point /@ l}],  ... x, PlotRange {{0, xmax}, {0, ymax}}, FrameTrue, DisplayFunctionIdentity] ;

Illustrate Hough space for a set of points

SetOfPoints[pts_, {xmax_, ymax_}, dθ_] := Module[{gb, tmp}, gb = PointSet ... st // Last}] &, {{Null, Null}}, pts] ; Partition[Flatten[Drop[tmp, 1]], 2] ] ;

Created by Mathematica  (February 5, 2004)