
Define set of edge points and image size

pts = {{50, 50}, {80, 80}, {100, 100}, {140, 20}} ; dims = {160, 120} ;

Visualize set of edge points

gpts = PointSet[pts, dims] ; Show[gpts, dp] ;


Visualize Hough accumulator: line parameter space (ρ, θ)

Line parameterization: ρ = x cos(θ) + y sin(θ)

Single point

example1 = SetOfPoints[{pts // First}, dims, π/100] ; Show[GraphicsArray[#], ImageSize640, dp] & /@ example1 ;


Set of points

example2 = SetOfPoints[pts, dims, π/100] ; Show[GraphicsArray[#], ImageSize640, dp] & /@ example2 ;


Created by Mathematica  (February 5, 2004)