2D DFT: Image example #3
Load gray-scale image
Display image
DFT of image
Magnitude DFT (frequencies radiate from the center from highest to lowest)
Phase DFT
DFT of image with frequencies rearranged
Magnitude DFT (frequencies radiate from the center from lowest to highest)
Phase DFT
How important is phase?
Take DFT (frequencies radiate from the center from lowest to highest)
Eliminate magnitude information
Magnitude DFT (constant)
Take inverse DFT of constant-magnitude image DFT
Filtering in the frequency domain
Define 2D low-pass filter
Take DFT (frequencies radiate from the center from lowest to highest)
Define low-pass filter
Visualize low-pass filter
Apply filter and view resulting filtered image
Define high-pass filter
Visualize high-pass filter
Created by Mathematica (February 5, 2004)