Machine Intelligence Laboratory Faculty Member

Dr. A. AntonioArroyo, Assoc. Professor [retired]
A. ANTONIO ARROYODr. Antonio Arroyo
Associate Professor


PhD, EE, University of Florida, 1981
MS, EE, University of Florida, 1973
BSEE, EE, University of Florida, 1970

Contact Information:


Program Affiliation:

Area:  Computer Engineering
Lab:   Machine Intelligence Laboratory

Fields of Interest:


1985 - Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Florida
1982 - Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Auburn University
1981 - Visiting Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Florida
1980 - Research Associate, Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Florida
1977 - Adjunct Professor, Computer & Information Sciences, University of Florida
1974 - Instructor, Environmental Engineering Sciences, University of Florida

Honors and Awards:

UF Teaching Incentive Program (TIP) Award, 1994
Distinguished Military Graduate, U S Army ROTC, UF
IEEE UF Chapter Service Award
National Defense Service Award
U S Army Reserve Components Meritorious Service Award
Who's Who in the South and Southwest, 18th, 19th, 20th editions 

Professional Registration

State of Florida Professional Engineer, PE License #19957

Last Updated by Dr. Arroyo