Consider taking one of the following classes:
- EEL 4930
Microprocessor Applications 2 (Dr. Jin)
- EEL 4511
Real-time DSP Applications (Dr. Gugel)
- EEL 4712
Digital Design (Dr. Stitt or Dr. Lam)
- EEL 4713
Digital Computer Architecture (Dr. Gordon Ross or Dr. Cheney)
- EEL 4720
Reconfigurable Computing (Dr. Stitt or Dr. Lam)
- EEL 4599
Wireless and Mobile Networks (McNair)
Tell your freshmen friends to take the following:
- EGN 1935: ECE (Ad)Ventures. In this
course students will get a chance learn about ECE by working with real-electronics including sensors and actuators,
and associated instrumentation.
(Listed under the Electrical and Computer Engineering department.)
- EGS 1006: Intro to Engineering. In this
course students will get a chance learn at least 10 of the college of
engineering's departments by visiting various on-campus laboratories.
(Listed under the department "Engineering - General.")
- EEL 3701
Digital Logic and Computer Systems (Schwartz)