The 68HC12 Simulator is written in Java in a modular fashion so it can be modified for specific needs. Here is the status of the various modules. "NYI" means Not Yet Implemented. "UI" means User Interface.
All instructions are simulated. Invalid operand bytes will cause an exception (which doesn't happen in a real 68HC12). The BGND instruction is simulated by causing an exception. This allow stopping a simulation programatically.
Instruction timing is intended to match the real processor, however the order of memory accesses might vary in ways which should not affect any results. Also, all time is considered to be taken at the end of instruction execution, which, for example, will mean that reading TCNT will give a different (and larger) value than would be obtained in a real 68HC12.
CPU registers are observable via the RegisterView display panel. Current state ("Running", "Waiting", "Stopped") is also observable. In the register view, changing the PC value (and hitting "Enter" in the edit control or stepping the simulator) will reload the CPU's instruction queue without consuming clock ticks. Changing the PC value will also change the current state to Running.
A "plug-able" interface handles the memory simulation. The default provided memory module mimics the 68HC11EVB evaluation board environment:
When operated in Single Chip Mode, the external RAM and ROM are not available, and the internal EEPROM is mapped from $F000 to $FFFF. When simulating a 68HC912B32 (in single chip mode) the memory map is:
The 68HC12EVB D-BUG12 debugger uses $A00 to $BFF, however these locations are available in the simulation. For compatibility, however, only locations $800-$9FF should be used, and the stack pointer should be initialized to $A00.
The EEPROM can be written via a program (following the required procedure) or from the UI.
The external RAM and ROM should be configured to have a one ECLK stretch (set location $3E to $35) rather than the default 3 clock stretch for accurate timing measurements. Accessing the external RAM or EEPROM 16 bit non-aligned causes additional cycle(s) as described in the Motorola documentation.
An additional ROM space is provided at $8000-$FFFF for reset/interrupt vectors, or loading a monitor simulator, to allow programs to be developed on the simulator and run without change on the EVB. Note that this should be configured for one ECLK stretch just like the external RAM.
The registers INITRM, INITRG, and INITEE (and also MISC for the 68HC912B32) can be changed to alter the memory map.
Memory is observable and alterable via the Memory View display panel. Observing register locations via the Memory View is considered to be secretly peeking at the values, and does not count as a "read" in those cases where reading the register modifies the processor state. This is normally a good thing, but it also means that some things, such as the SCI, can not be operated manually through the Memory View.
Although not part of the 68HC12 design, the simulator can report invalid memory accessing (writing to ROM, or accessing unassigned address space) either to the console/log, or by generating an exception condition that stops the execution and reports the problem to the user. Accessing locations in the register block that are not simulated is also considered to be an error.
Execution can be "single stepped". A step consists of executing an instruction followed by stacking for a pending interrupt (if any). In the case of WAI instructions, a step can represent one time unit of waiting. In the case of STOP instructions, no time passes in a step because the clocks are stopped. Number of steps can be set, however execution will stop immediately on memory error (when "trap" is selected) or an unimplemented instruction is reached.
For "Go" type operation, execution can be started, and will halt if one of the following occurs:
Note that when the processor is in STOPPED state, the only way to proceed is to cause an external interrupt -- IRQ, XIRQ, RESET. However changing the PC value will switch the state to RUNNING. When running (either by stepping or by "Go") the display will not be updated (exception -- the serial terminal interface). When running via "Go" all inputs are active (IRQ, XIRQ, RESET, port T, port J, port H).
The "Step Over" operation is a combination of "Step" and "Go" in that a JSR, BSR or CALL will cause a "Go" with a special, additional breakpoint set at the instruction following the JSR, BSR, or CALL. "Step Over" will cause a WAI instruction to finish its wait. If the instruction is not a JSR, BSR, or CALL, then only that instruction is executed ("step" mode).
Unimplemented register access is considered to be an error, to aid in debugging.
PORTA, DDRA, PORTB, DDRB, PORTC, DDRC, PORTD, and DDRD are not in the register map in the simulated Normal Expanded Wide mode. PORTD and DDRD are added in the Narrow Memory Model mode,
while PORTA, DDRA, PORTB, DDRB, PORTD, and DDRD are added in Single Chip Memory Model mode. For the 68HC912B32 mode, ports A and B (PORTA, DDRA, PORTB, and DDRB registers) are available.
Port E can be programmed as output pins (using DDRE and PEAR), however the simulator views these output pins as simply latched data. The IRQ and XIRQ inputs in PORTE are implemented. Other "Alternate" functions are not implemented and there is no test for invalid settings (such as disabling the alternate function for a pin that is probably needed.
PUCR and RDRIV are implemented, but have no effect.
Register bits that are documented to be "write once" are "read only" in the simulator, with exceptions noted.
MODE Register always reads $F0 (in Normal Expanded Wide Mode), $B0 (Normal Expanded Narrow Mode), $90 (Single Chip Mode or 68HC912B32 mode).
MISC always reads 0 (except for 68HC912B32 mode for which MISC is implemented)
EEPROM programming implemented. PROTLOC bit forced to 0, EESWAI ignored. A warning is given if less than 10 msec allowed for programming.
The Simulator user interface cannot be used to program the EEPROM by accessing the programming registers since time does not pass. Instead, store directly into the locations.
No plans to implement memory expansion, however PPAGE is implemented but paging is forced to disabled. This also means that ports F and G are not implemented or available for I/O, even though a few pins are available in the EVB.
CS0, CS1, CS2, and CS3 are implemented (CSCTL0), and when in use behave like separate RAM memory regions (i.e. they can be read and written). Writing these locations can be reported to the log.
CSP1, CSP2, and CSD are implemented (CSCTL1) but settings are ignored.
CSSTR0 and CSSTR1 are implemented. To get performance matching that of the EVB, CSSTR0 needs to be set to $35 instead of the default $3F.
/RESET, /XIRQ, and /IRQ pins are simulated with UI check boxes. These are automatically reset when the interrupt is taken to aid in simulation. A UI menu item simulates a Power On Reset, and resets the internal RAM memory to $BEADFACE, repeated, to represent uninitialized memory.
If an interrupt occurs, and the interrupt vector has a value of 0, it is assumed to be an error and the simulation stops.
INTCR, IRQEN bit implemented.
HPRIO implemented.
Ports H and J implemented. Port D is not available for expanded mode, in which the simulator runs. PUPSJ and PULEJ ignored. Changes to the output may be reported to the log. Changes in Port H and J input via the UI are only seen when the CPU is then stepped.
Sections 11, 12, 13 implemented in Clock module.
COP Watchdog Implemented. COPCTL can be written once, typically to turn off the COP Watchdog. RTI is implemented.
Clock Monitor- no plans to implement.
This functionality does not apply to the 68HC912B32 part.
Sections 11, 12, 13 implemented in Clock module.
Of course, there is no real clock generator!
PLL registers: LDV, RDV ignored, CLKCTL LCKF follows PLLON, MCS implemented. No plans to implement BCS. Indicated execution time assumes 8 Mhz E&P clocks.
Sections 11, 12, 13 implemented in Clock module.
The CLK0 and CLK1 bits of PACTL are not implemented, and are assumed to be zero. PA input cannot be driven from OC7. Port T has a UI, but needs to be able to be overridden by algorithm or file. Changing Port T inputs via the UI while execution is stopped will not cause a capture to occur until the CPU is stepped (time is consumed).
One SCI, SCI 0, is implemented, and has a terminal emulator interface. The terminal emulator will display printable ASCII characters, and responds to control characters: Control-H (backspace), Control-M (carriage return), Control-J (line feed), Control-G (bell), and Control-Z to erase the "screen".
Nobody really wants serial communication rates to scale, so communication will be close to instantaneous if "Turbo" mode is selected.
Since there is no actual serial communication, it is easy to overrun the receiver by typing too fast, especially when not in turbo mode.
SC0CR1 is ignored. SC0CR2: RWU, ILIE and SBK are ignored. SC0SC2: IDLE NF FE and PF bits are not implemented. SC0SR2 is ignored.
No plan to implement SPI.
AWAI bit not implemented. ATDCTL3 ignored. PORTAD assumes values of $80 to $FF are "1" while those less than $80 are "0". Sampling is performed at time ADRnH is loaded, which isn't realistic.
In the case of the 68HC912B32, the ADC only operates in 8 bit conversion mode.
Programable interface planned.