IMDL Spring 1997 Final Papers

Robot Creator Description Final Paper
Quadro Jeffrey Van Anda Quadro is a four legged robot with eight degrees of freedom. Quadro can walk in four directions (forward, backward, right, and left) without turning. PDF
Balancing Robot Wiwat Arunruangsisriloet Balancing robot is designed to balance itself on 2 wheels, follow sound, and avoid obstacles using a custom-made tilt sensor, sound sensor, IR sensor, and bump sensor. PDF
Mailbot Frank Bond The function of the mailbot is to autonomously retrieve outgoing mail from an office setting. PDF
S.I.R. Bot Ruste Enderby S.I.R. bot is designed to gather sector information and retrieve the data for later viewing. In order to accomplish this the bot needs many sensors and behaviors working together to report a sectors activity. PDF
MSE-6 'Mouse' Michael Fiyak The robot was designed to look and act like the ’Mouse’ Droid from Star Wars and be able to go from one location from a map to another location by using the information from the map and information from its environment. PDF
Autonomobile Kalpesh Gala The goal of Autonomobile is to serve as an autonomous car. Its behaviors are self-calibration, outward spiral search, obstacle avoidance, find road, road follow, and visibility. PDF
JACO Aaron Grassian JACO is a trash retrieval robot. The goal for the project is to create a robot that will generate the first step leading to the replacement of manual labor. PDF
Soccer Player Robot Jun Kunavut The soccer player robot is a small, mobile robot equipped with a claw and sensors that allow it to detect objects, specify if those objects are obstacle to be avoided or the ball to be hit. PDF
Path Tracer Robert J. McGee This project presents a simple and inexpensive way to record and playback the path of a robot. It is done in a blind fashion, meaning that both global and local position and orientation are unknown at all times. PDF
The Claw Katherine Meiszer The Claw is a mobile autonomous agent capable of independently locating, collecting, and delivering to a marked depository appropriately sized objects within its environment. PDF
Hyena Charles Pitzer The Hyena Project is a modular robot design whose primary purpose is to search for and recover metallic objects that are either on or near the surface. It is designed for high maneuverability to allow for tight search patterns and enhanced object avoidance. PDF
Gröss Hünd Robert Pitzer Gröss Hünd is an all terrain robot developed in the Machine Intelligence Lab at the University of Florida. It consist of a six-wheeled rocker-bogie suspension design initially develop by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for the Mars expeditions. PDF
C.A.T. Jeanine Shevlin C.A.T., standing for Can-crushing Autonomous Terror, was designed to seek out a person who needs to get rid of a coke can, crush the can and deposit it elsewhere. PDF
Orb Purvesh Thakker Orb is a two-legged walking robot. Orb walks along until it sees an object. It then turns its head left and right to determine which direction is clear. PDF
Caddy Ian Davidson Caddy, the golf ball collecting robot, is made up of a TALRIK platform, EVBU with 32k of memory added and a servo mechanism that will open a door to capture the golf balls. PDF
Slinky David Vogel Slinky is an autonomous robotic vehicle that will explore the inside of a six to eight inch pipe will be designed, built and tested. The robot will change its configuration on the fly when travelling between pipes of varying diameters. PDF
Dino Timothy J. Wiant The robot was based upon a prey for a predator/prey combination. So, the robot is supposed to be able to detect and flee the predator. PDF