IMDL Spring 1999 Final Papers

Robot Creator Description Final Paper CAD Files
Search, And, Destroy Jose Garcia Friendy game of Search and Destroy. Uses Sonar and IR. Each robot must find the other and shoot sonar. If robot gets hit 4 or more times, it must find the base. If hit 8 times, it dies. SearchAndDestroy.pdf
  • Search and Destroy Code
  • Jerry Craig Ruppel Plays cat and mouse games with Tom. (See next entry) Jerry.pdf
    Tom Jason Ison Plays cat and mouse games with Jerry. (See previous entry) Tom.pdf
    Rocko Darren Kelley Rocko is a mobile, autonomous rocket launcher. It finds the launch site, then locates the sun and launches the rocket directly at the sun. Rocko.pdf
    JR Justin Cobb JR is a metal detecting robot. It roves around until a metal object is detected. When found, the robot backs up and digs the object up. JR.pdf
    JR C Code
    Centi James Rutledge The Centipede is an all terrain autonomous mobile agent. It is a segmented robot designed to climb over objects in its path. The direction is controlled though two servos mounted between each segment. Centi.pdf
    Sneaker Denise Mendez Mechanically actuated robot that climbs inclines using suction cup feet, avoids obstacles and dances. Sneaker.pdf
    Mo-Jo Preston Faiks Big-armed robot. Mo-Jo.pdf
    Domignome Arfath Pasha Lays dominoes in a programmable pattern. Domignome.pdf
    Pest Marcin Owczarz This robot follows its owner around at a normal walking speed using an IR beacon and sonar for collision avoidance. Pest.pdf
    Doc Bloc Larry Brock Wall building robot. DocBloc.pdf
    Tracker Todd Martin Tracker is a robot car designed to travel on a preprogrammed path. If an obstacle is blocking the path, Tracker will maneuver around the obstacle and rejoin the original path. Tracker.pdf
    Hermes Brent Leary Tracks a moving light source. Hermes.pdf