Probelm 3:

Definition of Rk(θ)

RK[θ_] := {<br />         {kx^2 (1 - Cos[θ]) ... bsp;         kz^2 (1 - Cos[θ]) + Cos[θ]}} ;


To prove eq. (2) of the homework, we can differentiate Rk(θ) with respect to θ two different ways: (1) element by element, and (2) by applying eq. (5) of the homework. If the two results are equivalent, than eq. (2) must be true.

κ = {{0, -kz, ky}, {kz, 0, -kx}, {-ky, kx, 0}} ;

result1 = D[RK[θ], θ] // FullSimplify ; result1 // TraditionalForm

(    2                                                                                 ...    kx kz sin(θ) - ky cos(θ)   kx cos(θ) + ky kz sin(θ)   (kz  - 1) sin(θ)

result2 = κ . RK[θ] ; TraditionalForm /@ result2

{{ky (kx kz (1 - cos(θ)) - ky sin(θ)) - kz (kx ky (1 - cos(θ)) + kz sin(θ) ... ), kx (ky kz (1 - cos(θ)) - kx sin(θ)) - ky (kx kz (1 - cos(θ)) + ky sin(θ))}}

The two results certainly don't look the same. Let's try to simplify the above result...

result2 = result2 // FullSimplify ; result2 // TraditionalForm

(     2     2                                                                          ... kx kz sin(θ) - ky cos(θ)   kx cos(θ) + ky kz sin(θ)   -(kx  + ky ) sin(θ)

Now, all but the diagonal terms of the two equations are identical. However, since k is a unit vector, kx^2 + ky^2 + kz^2 = 1. Let's make some substitutions:

result2 = result2 /. {(ky^2 + kz^2) -> (1 - kx^2), (kx^2 + kz^2) -> (1 - ky^2), (kx^2 + ky^2) -> (1 - kz^2)} ; result2 = result2 // FullSimplify ; result2 // TraditionalForm

(    2                                                                                 ...    kx kz sin(θ) - ky cos(θ)   kx cos(θ) + ky kz sin(θ)   (kz  - 1) sin(θ)

Finally, we can test if the two results are the same:

result1 == result2


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