DWT-based texture segmentation: example set #1

Note: This notebook assumes that all definitions in ipcv_definitions.nb (ver. 1.2 or later) have been evaluated first. It also assumes that the directory in the Set image directory points to an image directory with the following images: texture1.gif, texture2.gif, texture3.gif and texture4.gif

Warning: This notebook was evaluated using externally C-compiled MathLink functions to speed up some of the computations, especially the training part of the notebook. Since this option is not available for the student version of Mathematica, this notebook performs all computations within Mathematica natively. It is therefore possible, depending on your platform, that computation times  far exceed those shown.

Local definitions

Set image directory

Sample texture images

Train histogram models

Analysis and testing #1 (2 clusters per band)

Analysis and testing #2 (4 clusters per band)

Analysis and testing #3 (8 clusters per band)

Analysis and testing #4 (16 clusters per band)

Analysis and testing #5 (32 clusters per band)

Analysis and testing #6 (64 clusters per band)

Created by Mathematica  (February 16, 2004)