Analysis and testing #2 (4 clusters per band)

Level of quantization

Select level of quantization (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

vqlevel = 2 ;

Pick corresponding VQ codebook and histograms

centroids = centroidsAll[[vqlevel]] ; hist = histAll[[vqlevel]] ;

Visualize centroids by band

The graphics below illustrate the centroids by band (HL1, LH1, HH1, HL2, LH2, HH2) down the columns.

VisualizeCentroids[#, ImageSize500] & /@ centroids ;







Visualize histograms

The graphics below illustrate the histogram over the VQ codebooks by band (HL1, LH1, HH1, HL2, LH2, HH2) down the columns.

colors = {Red, Green, Blue, Orange} ;

BarChart[Sequence @@ #, BarStylecolors, BarEdgeStylecolors, FrameTrue, ImageSize500] & /@ hist ;







Visualize test images

Define test image data

testPos1 = {1, 1} ; testPos2 = {160, 320} ; testOffset = {4, 4} ;

Visualize test image data

testData = TakeMatrix[#, testPos1, testPos2] & /@ texImages ; testVis = BlockMatrix[Partition[testData, 2]] ; ShowImage[testVis] ;


Compute all test image probabilities

Define filter (same as used during training)

db4 = DaubechiesFilter[4] ;

Compute probabilities for all test images and all histogram models

time1 = AbsoluteTime[] ; probs = AnalyzeOneImage[#, testOffset, db4, centroids, hist, bandMap] & /@ testData ; AbsoluteTime[] - time1


Visualize individual histogram classifications of test images

The graphics below illustrate the classification of each test image by band (HL1, LH1, HH1, HL2, LH2, HH2) down the columns.

results = Map[VisualizeResults[#, colors, DisplayFunctionIdentity] &, probs, {2}] ;

gresults = Map[Last, results, {2}] ; gimages = ShowImage[#, 1, 255, 0, DisplayFunction ... lts]], ImageSize640, DisplayFunction$DisplayFunction, GraphicsSpacing0] ;



Visualize overall classifications of test images

resultsCombined = Map[VisualizeResults[Times @@ #, colors, DisplayFunctionIdentity] &, probs] ;

gresultsCombined = Map[Last, resultsCombined] ; gimages = ShowImage[#, 1, 255, 0, DisplayFunct ... ined], ImageSize640, DisplayFunction$DisplayFunction, GraphicsSpacing0] ;



Summary of percent correct classification

By band (1 - HL1, 2 - LH1, 3 - HH1, 4 - HL2, 5 - LH2, 6 - HH3)

correctbyband = Table[Map[First, results, {2}][[j, i, j]], {j, 1, Length[testData]}, {i, 1, Le ... lecolors, FrameTrue, GridLines {None, Automatic}, ImageSize400] ;


Overall bands and overall correct classification percentage

correctoverall = Table[Map[First, resultsCombined][[i, i]], {i, 1, Length[testData]}] ; BarCha ... lors, BarEdgeStylecolors, FrameTrue, ImageSize400] ; Mean[correctoverall]



Created by Mathematica  (February 16, 2004)