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Musical celebration...

On July 6th, the reunification concert "Celebrate Hong Kong, 1997" took place at the Happy Valley Racecourse. The concert almost didn't take place because of torrential rainstorms the previous five days. It featured about a dozen acts from around the world, including the appropriately named British group "Wet, Wet, Wet" pictured below.
The act that generated by far the most excitement in the crowd, however, was the Catonese "superstar" Aaron Kwok, whom I had never heard of previously. Below, is the "Aaron Kwok International Fan Club" only minutes before their idol was scheduled to perform.
The fan club exploded into hysteria when Aaron and his group of disco dancers burst on to the stage. I took these pictures and then left, comfortably beating the exit rush...

Last updated July 30, 1997 by Michael C. Nechyba