Source code for axros.serviceclient

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
from io import BytesIO
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Generic, Protocol, Type, TypeVar

import genpy

from . import rosxmlrpc, tcpros, types, util

    from .nodehandle import NodeHandle

S = TypeVar("S", bound=types.ServiceMessage)

class ServiceType(Protocol):
    _type: str
    _md5sum: str
    _request_class: genpy.Message
    _response_class: genpy.Message

[docs]class ServiceError(Exception): """ Represents an error with a service client in axros. Inherits from :class:`Exception`. .. container:: operations .. describe:: str(x) Pretty-prints ``ServiceError`` name with the given error message. .. describe:: repr(x) Pretty-prints ``ServiceError`` name with the given error message. Equivalent to ``str(x)``. """ def __init__(self, message: str): self._message = message def __str__(self): return f"ServiceError({self._message!r})" __repr__ = __str__
[docs]class ServiceClient(Generic[S]): """ A client connected to a service in axros. This is the client class of the client-server relationship in ROS; the server is the :class:`axros.Service` class. .. container:: operations .. describe:: await x(request_class) Makes a request to the service using an instance of the ``request_class`` request type. This operation returns the result sent by the topic through the master server. Any errors will raise an instance of :class:`axros.ServiceError`. """ def __init__(self, node_handle: NodeHandle, name: str, service_type: S): """ Args: node_handle (NodeHandle): The node handle serving as the client to the service. name (str): The name of the service to connect to. """ self._node_handle = node_handle self._name = self._node_handle.resolve_name(name) self._type = service_type def __str__(self) -> str: return ( f"<axros.ServiceClient at 0x{id(self):0x}, " f"name={self._name} " f"service_type={self._type} " f"node_handle={self._node_handle}>" ) __repr__ = __str__ async def __call__(self, req: genpy.Message): if req.__class__ != self._type._request_class: raise TypeError( f"Expected {self._type._request_class} message type when calling {self._name} service, but got {req.__class__} instead." ) service_url = await self._node_handle.master_proxy.lookup_service(self._name) protocol, rest = service_url.split("://", 1) host, port_str = rest.rsplit(":", 1) port = int(port_str) assert protocol == "rosrpc" loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(host, port) try: tcpros.send_string( tcpros.serialize_dict( dict( callerid=self._node_handle._name, service=self._name, md5sum=self._type._md5sum, type=self._type._type, ) ), writer, ) tcpros.deserialize_dict(await tcpros.receive_string(reader)) # request could be sent before header is received to reduce latency... x = BytesIO() self._type._request_class.serialize(req, x) data = x.getvalue() tcpros.send_string(data, writer) result = await tcpros.receive_byte(reader) data = await tcpros.receive_string(reader) if result: # success return self._type._response_class().deserialize(data) else: raise ServiceError(data.decode()) finally: writer.close() await writer.wait_closed()
[docs] async def wait_for_service(self): """ Waits for the service to appear. Checks to see if the service has appeared 10 times per second. """ while True: try: await self._node_handle.master_proxy.lookup_service(self._name) except (rosxmlrpc.XMLRPCException, rosxmlrpc.ROSMasterError): await util.wall_sleep(0.1) # XXX bad continue else: return