Source code for mil_pneumatic_actuator.constants

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import struct
from typing import Tuple

[docs]class Constants: """ Constant codes and functions used in both the driver and the simulated board. Attributes: OPEN_REQUEST_BASE (int): A constant representing a request to the board to open a valve. Currently set to ``0x20``. OPEN_RESPONSE (int): A constant representing a response from the board when the open request is sent. Currently set to ``0x01``. CLOSE_REQUEST_BASE (int): A constant representing a request to the board to close a valve. Currently set to ``0x30``. CLOSE_RESPONSE (int): A constant representing a response from the board when the close request is sent. Currently set to ``0x00``. READ_REQUEST_BASE (int): A constant representing a request to the board to read the value of a valve. Currently set to ``0x40``. PING_REQUEST (int): A constant representing a ping request. Currently set to ``0x10``. PING_RESPONSE (int): A constant representing a response from the board when the ping request is sent. Currently set to ``0x11``. CHECKSUM_CODE (int): The checksum code used by the board. Currently sent to ``0xFF``. """ OPEN_REQUEST_BASE = 0x20 OPEN_RESPONSE = 0x01 CLOSE_REQUEST_BASE = 0x30 CLOSE_RESPONSE = 0x00 READ_REQUEST_BASE = 0x40 PING_REQUEST = 0x10 PING_RESPONSE = 0x11 CHECKSUM_CODE = 0xFF
[docs] def create_checksum(self, byte: int) -> int: """ Creates a checksum given a piece of data. The checksum is calculated through the XOR operation. Args: byte (int): The data to compute the checksum on. Returns: int: The checksum. """ return byte ^ Constants.CHECKSUM_CODE
[docs] def verify_checksum(self, byte: int, checksum: int) -> bool: """ Verifies that two checksums are the same. Args: byte (int): The data to verify the constructed checksum of. checksum (int): The checksum to validate the constructed checksum against. Returns: bool: Whether the two checksums are the same. """ return checksum == self.create_checksum(byte)
[docs] def serialize_packet(self, byte: int) -> bytes: """ Serializes a piece of data (an integer) into a bytes object. Returns: bytes: The serialized packet. """ return struct.pack("BB", byte, self.create_checksum(byte))
[docs] def deserialize_packet(self, data: bytes) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Deserializes a piece of data (a bytes object) into a tuple of two numbers. The first number is the data carried by the packet, and the second is the checksum computed by the board. Returns: bytes: The serialized packet. """ return struct.unpack("BB", data)