Source code for mil_usb_to_can.sub8.device

import random
import string
import struct

import rospy
from rospy_tutorials.srv import AddTwoInts
from std_srvs.srv import Trigger, TriggerRequest, TriggerResponse

from .application_packet import ApplicationPacket
from .board import USBtoCANBoard
from .utils import PayloadTooLargeException

[docs]class CANDeviceHandle: """ Base class to allow developers to write handles for communication with a particular CAN device. The two methods of the handle allow the handle to listen to incoming data, as well as send data. .. code-block:: python class ExampleEchoDeviceHandle(CANDeviceHandle): def __init__(self, driver, device_id): self.last_sent = None self.send_new_string() super().__init__(driver, device_id) def on_data(self, data: bytes): if self.last_sent is not None and data == self.last_sent[0]: print( "SUCCESSFULLY echoed {} in {}seconds".format( self.last_sent[0], ( - self.last_sent[1]).to_sec() ) ) rospy.sleep(0.15) self.send_new_string() def send_new_string(self): test = "".join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(4)]) self.last_sent = (test, self.send_data(test.encode()) """ def __init__(self, driver: USBtoCANBoard, device_id: int): """ Args: driver (USBtoCANBoard): Driver that is used to communicate with the board. device_id (int): The CAN ID of the device this class will handle. Not currently used. """ self._driver = driver self._device_id = device_id
[docs] def on_data(self, data: bytes): """ Called when data is received from the device this handle is registered for. Args: data (bytes): The data received. """ del data
[docs] def send_data(self, data: bytes, can_id: int = 0): """ Sends data to the device. Args: data (bytes): The data payload to send to the device. can_id (int): The CAN device ID to send data to. Defaults to 0. Raises: PayloadTooLargeException: The payload is larger than 8 bytes. """ return self._driver.send_data(data, can_id=can_id)
class ExampleEchoDeviceHandle(CANDeviceHandle): """ An example implementation of a CANDeviceHandle which will handle a device that echos back any data sent to it. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.last_sent = None self.count = 0 self._srv = rospy.Service("start_echo", Trigger, self.srv_req) def srv_req(self, req: TriggerRequest): while self.count < 10: if not self.send_new_string(4): return TriggerResponse(False, "Unable to send string of length four.") try: self.send_new_string(8) except PayloadTooLargeException: pass except Exception: return TriggerResponse(False, "Testing large strings failed.") return TriggerResponse(True, "Complete!") def on_data(self, data): data = ApplicationPacket.from_bytes(data, expected_identifier=37).payload if self.last_sent is None: raise RuntimeError(f"Received {data} but have not yet sent anything") elif data.decode() != self.last_sent[0]: raise ValueError( f"ERROR! Received {data.decode()} but last sent {self.last_sent}", ) else: self.count += 1 def send_new_string(self, length: int = 4): # Example string to test with test = "".join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(length)]) self.last_sent = (test, self.send_data(bytes(ApplicationPacket(37, test.encode()))) start = count_now = self.count while self.count == count_now: if - start > rospy.Duration(1): return False return True class ExampleAdderDeviceHandle(CANDeviceHandle): """ An example implementation of a CANDeviceHandle which will handle a device that echos back any data sent to it. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.response_received = None self._srv = rospy.Service("add_two_ints", AddTwoInts, self.on_service_req) def on_service_req(self, req): payload = struct.pack("hh", req.a, req.b) self.response_received = None self.send_data(bytes(ApplicationPacket(37, payload))) start = while self.response_received is None: if - start > rospy.Duration(1): return -1 res = ApplicationPacket.from_bytes( self.response_received, expected_identifier=37, ) my_sum = struct.unpack("i", res.payload) return my_sum def on_data(self, data): self.response_received = data