Source code for sabertooth2x12.board

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import struct

import serial

from .simulated import SimulatedSabertooth2x12

[docs]class Sabertooth2x12: """ Helper class to interface with the Sabertooth 2x12 regenerative motor driver. Attributes: address (int): ??? sim (bool): Whether the device is simulated. If so, a simulated serial connection is constructed, rather than a physical serial connection. """ def __init__( self, filename: str, address: int = 128, baudrate: int = 9600, sim: bool = False, ): """ Args: filename (str): The name of the serial port to connect to, if a physical serial connection is desired. address (int): ???. Defaults to 128. baudrate (int): The baud rate of the serial connection. Defaults to 9600. sim (bool): Whether to use a simulated serial device. Defaults to ``False``. """ self.address = address self.motor_1_speed = 0.0 self.motor_2_speed = 0.0 self.filename = filename self.sim = sim if not self.sim: self.ser = serial.Serial(filename, baudrate=baudrate) else: self.ser = SimulatedSabertooth2x12()
[docs] @staticmethod def make_packet(address: int, command: int, data: int) -> bytes: """ Constructs a packet given an address, command, and data. The checksum is added on to the end of the packet. All four integers are packed as unsigned integers in the resulting packet. Args: address (int): ??? command (int): The command to send. data (int): The data to put in the packet. Returns: bytes: The constructed packet. """ checksum = (address + command + data) & 127 return struct.pack("BBBB", address, command, data, checksum)
[docs] def send_packet(self, command: int, data: int) -> None: """ Sends a packet over the serial connection using the class' address. Args: command (int): The command to send. data (int): The data to put in the packet. """ packet = self.make_packet(self.address, command, data) self.ser.write(packet)
[docs] def set_motor1(self, speed: float) -> None: """ Sets the speed of motor 1. This constructs a packet and sends it to update the driver. Args: speed (float): The speed to set the first motor to. """ command = 1 if speed < 0 else 0 data = int(min(1.0, abs(speed)) * 127) self.send_packet(command, data)
[docs] def set_motor2(self, speed: float) -> None: """ Sets the speed of motor 2. This constructs a packet and sends it to update the driver. Args: speed (float): The speed to set the second motor to. """ command = 5 if speed < 0 else 4 data = int(min(1.0, abs(speed)) * 127) self.send_packet(command, data)