pcodar - Point Cloud Object Detection

The PCODAR system is responsible for coordinating LIDAR data into a database of usable objects associated with locations.

Type Aliases

using pcodar::Config = point_cloud_object_detection_and_recognition::PCODARConfig

Alias for the dynamic reconfigure object used for PCODAR configuration.

using pcodar::point_t = pcl::PointXYZ

Alias for type of pointcloud used internally.

using pcodar::point_cloud = pcl::PointCloud<point_t>

Pointcloud of point_t.

using pcodar::point_cloud_ptr = point_cloud::Ptr

Pointer to PCODAR’s pointclouds.

using pcodar::point_cloud_const_ptr = point_cloud::ConstPtr

Constant pointer to PCODAR’s pointclouds.

using pcodar::KdTree = pcl::search::KdTree<point_t>
using pcodar::KdTreePtr = KdTree::Ptr
using pcodar::cluster_t = pcl::PointIndices

Clusters used in object detection.

using pcodar::clusters_t = std::vector<cluster_t>

Vector of clusters.



class InputCloudFilter

Filters a single incoming pointcloud after it has been transformed into global frame. Removes points outside of a specified “bounds” polygon and points inside a specified robot footprint polygon.

Public Functions

void filter(point_cloud_const_ptr in, point_cloud &pc)

Filters @in, storing resulting pointcloud into @pc.

void set_bounds(point_cloud_ptr bounds)

Sets the bounds with a pointcloud where each point is a verticie of the bounds polygon.

void set_robot_footprint(Eigen::Vector4f const &min, Eigen::Vector4f const &max)

Set the robot footprint with a pointcloud in the robot’s local frame where each point is a verticie of the footprint polygon

void set_robot_pose(Eigen::Affine3d const &transform)

Sets the transform from the global frame to the robot, should be called before @filter.


class MarkerManager

Publishes interactive markers visualizing the objects in the database and allowing the user to modify classification in RVIZ.

Public Functions

void initialize(ros::NodeHandle &nh, std::shared_ptr<ObjectMap> objects_)

Initialize the marker manager with a nodehandle in the namespace of where the markers will be publishedj.

void update_markers()

Update the interactive markers.

void reset()



class Associator

Associates recently identified objects with previous objects so they persist over time. This is accomplished by finding the nearest neighbor point, creating a new object if this is greater than a maximum distance.

Public Functions

void update_config(Config const &config)

Update the dynamic reconfigure parameters associated with this class.

void associate(ObjectMap &prev_objects, point_cloud const &pc, clusters_t clusters)

Associate old objects with newly identified clusters. @prev_objects is updated + appended in place for new associations


class ObjectDetector

Detects objects in a pointcloud by clustering points that are nearby.

Public Functions

clusters_t get_clusters(point_cloud_const_ptr pc)

Returns an array of clusters found in @pc.

void update_config(Config const &config)

Update the dynamic reconfigure parameters associated with this class.


class Object

Represents an object, a persistent clustered set of points that are nearby. Objects can have associated labels and other metadata.

Public Functions

Object(point_cloud_ptr const &pc, uint id, KdTreePtr const &search_tree)

Create an object from a pointcloud of points associated with.

void update_points(point_cloud_ptr const &pc, KdTreePtr const &search_tree)

Update the points associated with an object.

point_cloud const &get_points() const
point_cloud_ptr get_points_ptr() const
KdTreePtr get_search_tree() const
mil_msgs::PerceptionObject const &as_msg() const
point_t const &get_center() const
void set_classification(std::string const &classification)
void set_id(uint id)


friend class mil_gazebo::PCODARGazebo


class ObjectMap

Contains a map of unique integer identifiers to objects (point clusters).

Public Types

using Iterator = decltype(objects_.begin())

Public Functions

mil_msgs::PerceptionObjectArray to_msg()

Creates a ROS message of the objects to publish / use for markers.

bool DatabaseQuery(mil_msgs::ObjectDBQuery::Request &req, mil_msgs::ObjectDBQuery::Response &res)

Processes a database query service request.

uint add_object(point_cloud_ptr const &pc, KdTreePtr const &search_tree)

Add a new object by its pointcloud, given it a new unique id.

Iterator erase_object(Iterator const &it)

Erase an object.

Public Members

std::unordered_map<uint, Object> objects_

Internal map of id’s to objects TODO: make private and provide function interfaces

std::vector<uint> just_removed_

Recently removed objects, for marker manager.

size_t highest_id_

The id that will be assigned to the next new object, starting at 0.


class OgridManager

Public Functions

void initialize(ros::NodeHandle &nh)
void update_ogrid(ObjectMap const &objects)
void draw_boundary()
void update_config(Config const &config)
void set_bounds(point_cloud_ptr pc)


class NodeBase

Base class for a class implementing the object detection needed for the PCODAR node. This can be fulfilled by processesing LIDAR pointclouds (like in @pcodarNode) or using simulated ground truth (like in pcodar_gazebo).

Subclassed by pcodar::Node

Public Functions

NodeBase(ros::NodeHandle nh)

Create a NodeBase in the namespace of nh.

virtual void initialize()

Initialize ROS communication.

void UpdateObjects()

Update markers, ogrid, and publish the internal object map to ROS interfaces. Call after updating objects.

Public Members

std::shared_ptr<ObjectMap> objects_


class Node : public pcodar::NodeBase

Public Functions

Node(ros::NodeHandle nh)
void velodyne_cb(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &pcloud)
virtual void initialize() override

Initialize ROS communication.


class PersistentCloudFilter

Public Functions

void filter(point_cloud_const_ptr in, point_cloud &pc)
void update_config(Config const &config)


class PointCloudCircularBuffer

Buffer of n most recently added pointclouds, used to assemble a persistent pointcloud of pointclouds accumulated over time.

Public Functions

point_cloud_ptr get_point_cloud()

Get accumulated pointcloud from buffered pointclouds, or nullptr if N pointclouds have not yet been added.

void add_point_cloud(const point_cloud_ptr &pc)

Add a pointcloud to the back of the buffer, deleting the oldest if it is full.

void update_config(Config const &config)

Update the number of pointclouds from the dynamic reconfigure object.

void clear()

Clear buffer.