Utility functions which make transforms and asynchronous programming easier.
All non-private methods can be used throughout client and application code.
from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
import contextlib
from typing import Awaitable, TypeVar
import genpy
T = TypeVar("T")
[docs]async def wall_sleep(duration: genpy.Duration | float) -> None:
Sleeps for a specified duration using :func:`asyncio.sleep`.
duration (genpy.Duration | :class:`float`): The amount of time to sleep for.
if isinstance(duration, genpy.Duration):
duration = duration.to_sec()
elif not isinstance(duration, (float, int)):
raise TypeError("expected float or genpy.Duration")
await asyncio.sleep(duration)
[docs]async def wrap_timeout(
fut: Awaitable[T], duration: float | genpy.Duration, *, cancel=True
) -> T:
Wraps a given future in a timeout-based future. This can be used to ensure
that select :class:`asyncio.Future` objects complete on time. Futures who
do not complete on time can be optionally cancelled.
For an equivalent method that does not raise an exception, see
fut (:class:`asyncio.Future` | :class:`coroutine`): The future object to timeout.
duration (:class:`float` | genpy.Duration): The duration to timeout.
cancel (:class:`bool`): Keyword-only argument designating whether to
cancel the future when the task times out.
asyncio.TimeoutError: The task did not complete on time.
Any: The data returned from the awaitable.
if isinstance(duration, genpy.Duration):
timeout = duration.to_sec()
timeout = float(duration)
if cancel:
return await asyncio.wait_for(fut, timeout)
return await asyncio.wait_for(asyncio.shield(fut), timeout)
async def _print_message_helper(duration: float, description: str) -> bool:
await asyncio.sleep(duration)
print(f"{description} is taking a while...")
return True
except asyncio.CancelledError:
return False
[docs]async def wrap_time_notice(
fut: Awaitable[T], duration: float | genpy.Duration, description: str
) -> T:
Prints a message if a future is taking longer than the noted duration.
.. code-block:: python
>>> await axros.wrap_time_notice(asyncio.sleep(3), 2, "Example task")
Example task is taking a while... # printed at 2 seconds
Example task succeeded! # printed at 3 seconds
>>> await axros.wrap_time_notice(asyncio.sleep(1), 2, "Example task") # nothing is printed
fut (:class:`asyncio.Future`): The future object.
duration (:class:`float` | genpy.Duration): The duration to wait before printing
a message.
description (:class:`str`): The description to print.
Any: The result from the awaitable.
if isinstance(duration, genpy.Duration):
timeout = duration.to_sec()
timeout = float(duration)
task = asyncio.create_task(_print_message_helper(timeout, description))
result = await fut
with contextlib.suppress(asyncio.CancelledError):
if await task:
print(f"{description} succeeded!")
return result