Source code for electrical_protocol.driver

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import contextlib
import threading
from typing import Any, Generic, TypeVar, Union, cast, get_args, get_origin

import rospy
import serial

from .packet import SYNC_CHAR_1, Packet

SendPackets = TypeVar("SendPackets", bound=Packet)
RecvPackets = TypeVar("RecvPackets", bound=Packet)

[docs]class ROSSerialDevice(Generic[SendPackets, RecvPackets]): """ Represents a generic serial device, which is expected to be the main component of an individual ROS node. Attributes: port (Optional[str]): The port used for the serial connection, if provided. baudrate (Optional[int]): The baudrate to use with the device, if provided. device (Optional[serial.Serial]): The serial class used to communicate with the device. rate (float): The reading rate of the device, in Hertz. Set to `20` by default. """ device: serial.Serial | None _recv_T: Any _send_T: Any def is_connected(self) -> bool: return self.device is not None def is_open(self) -> bool: return bool(self.device) and self.device.is_open def __init__(self, port: str | None, baudrate: int | None) -> None: """ Arguments: port (Optional[str]): The serial port to connect to. If ``None``, connection will not be established on initialization; rather, the user can use :meth:`~.connect` to connect later. baudrate (Optional[int]): The baudrate to connect with. If ``None`` and a port is specified, then 115200 is assumed. """ self.port = port self.baudrate = baudrate if port: self.device = serial.Serial(port, baudrate or 115200, timeout=0.1) if not self.device.is_open: self.device.reset_input_buffer() self.device.reset_output_buffer() else: self.device = None self.lock = threading.Lock() self.rate = 20.0 self.timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1.0 / self.rate), self._process_buffer) # type: ignore def __init_subclass__(cls) -> None: # this is a super hack lol :P # cred: cls._send_T = get_args(cls.__orig_bases__[0])[0] # type: ignore cls._recv_T = get_args(cls.__orig_bases__[0])[1] # type: ignore
[docs] def connect(self, port: str, baudrate: int) -> None: """ Connects to the port with the given baudrate. If the device is already connected, the input and output buffers will be flushed. Arguments: port (str): The serial port to connect to. baudrate (int): The baudrate to connect with. """ self.port = port self.baudrate = baudrate self.device = serial.Serial(port, baudrate, timeout=0.1) if not self.device.is_open: self.device.reset_input_buffer() self.device.reset_output_buffer()
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """ Closes the serial device. """ rospy.loginfo("Closing serial device...") if not self.device: raise RuntimeError("Device is not connected.") else: # TODO: Find a better way to deal with these os errors with contextlib.suppress(OSError): if self.device.in_waiting: rospy.logwarn( "Shutting down device, but packets were left in buffer...", ) self.device.close()
[docs] def write(self, data: bytes) -> None: """ Writes a series of raw bytes to the device. This method should rarely be used; using :meth:`~.send_packet` is preferred because of the guarantees it provides through the packet class. Arguments: data (bytes): The data to send. """ if not self.device: raise RuntimeError("Device is not connected.") self.device.write(data)
[docs] def send_packet(self, packet: SendPackets) -> None: """ Sends a given packet to the device. Arguments: packet (:class:`~.Packet`): The packet to send. """ with self.lock: self.write(bytes(packet))
def _read_from_stream(self) -> bytes: # Read until SOF is encourntered in case buffer contains the end of a previous packet if not self.device: raise RuntimeError("Device is not connected.") sof = None for _ in range(10): sof = if not len(sof): continue sof_int = int.from_bytes(sof, byteorder="big") if sof_int == SYNC_CHAR_1: break if not isinstance(sof, bytes): raise TimeoutError("No SOF received in one second.") sof_int = int.from_bytes(sof, byteorder="big") if sof_int != SYNC_CHAR_1: rospy.logerr("Where da start char at?") data = sof # Read sync char 2, msg ID, subclass ID data += length = # read payload length data += length data += int.from_bytes(length, byteorder="little") + 2, ) # read data and checksum return data def _correct_type(self, provided: Any) -> bool: # either: # 1. RecvPackets is a Packet --> check isinstance on the type var # 2. RecvPackets is a Union of Packets --> check isinstance on all if get_origin(self._recv_T) is Union: return isinstance(provided, get_args(self._recv_T)) else: return isinstance(provided, self._recv_T)
[docs] def adjust_read_rate(self, rate: float) -> None: """ Sets the reading rate to a specified amount. Arguments: rate (float): The reading speed to use, in hz. """ self.timer.shutdown() self.rate = min(rate, 1_000) self.timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1.0 / rate), self._process_buffer) # type: ignore
[docs] def scale_read_rate(self, scale: float) -> None: """ Scales the reading rate of the device handle by some factor. Arguments: scale (float): The amount to scale the reading rate by. """ self.adjust_read_rate(self.rate * scale)
def _read_packet(self) -> bool: if not self.device: raise RuntimeError("Device is not connected.") try: with self.lock: if not self.is_open() or self.device.in_waiting == 0: return False if self.device.in_waiting > 200: rospy.logwarn_throttle( 0.5, "Packets are coming in much quicker than expected, upping rate...", ) self.scale_read_rate(1 + self.device.in_waiting / 1000) packed_packet = self._read_from_stream() assert isinstance(packed_packet, bytes) packet = Packet.from_bytes(packed_packet) except serial.SerialException as e: rospy.logerr(f"Error reading packet: {e}") return False except OSError: rospy.logerr_throttle(1, "Cannot read from serial device.") return False if not self._correct_type(packet): rospy.logerr( f"Received unexpected packet: {packet} (expected: {self._recv_T})", ) return False packet = cast(RecvPackets, packet) self.on_packet_received(packet) return True def _process_buffer(self, _: rospy.timer.TimerEvent) -> None: if not self.is_open(): return try: self._read_packet() except Exception as e: rospy.logerr(f"Error reading recent packet: {e}") import traceback traceback.print_exc()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def on_packet_received(self, packet: RecvPackets) -> None: """ Abstract method to be implemented by subclasses for handling packets sent by the physical electrical board. Arguments: packet (:class:`~.Packet`): The packet that is received. """ pass