Source code for mil_ros_tools.rviz_helpers

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from typing import List, Tuple

import numpy as np
import rospy
import visualization_msgs.msg as visualization_msgs
from geometry_msgs.msg import Point, Pose, Vector3
from image_geometry import PinholeCameraModel
from std_msgs.msg import ColorRGBA

import mil_ros_tools

rviz_pub = rospy.Publisher("visualization", visualization_msgs.Marker, queue_size=3)

[docs]def draw_sphere( position: np.ndarray, color: np.ndarray, scaling: Tuple[float, float, float] = (0.11, 0.11, 0.11), m_id: int = 4, frame: str = "/base_link", ) -> None: """ Draws a sphere in Rviz. Creates a new :class:`Marker` message and publishes it to Rviz. Args: position (np.ndarray): A list of :class:`float` that make up the point. color (np.ndarray): An array representing the color. The array should contain the ``r``, ``g``, ``b``, and ``a`` values of the color. scaling (Tuple[float, float, float]): The size of the sphere, in meters. m_id (id): The marker ID. This should be unique. frame (str): The frame which the sphere is relevant to. """ pose = Pose( position=mil_ros_tools.numpy_to_point(position), orientation=mil_ros_tools.numpy_to_quaternion([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]), ) marker = visualization_msgs.Marker( ns="wamv", id=m_id, header=mil_ros_tools.make_header(frame=frame), type=visualization_msgs.Marker.SPHERE, action=visualization_msgs.Marker.ADD, pose=pose, color=ColorRGBA(*color), scale=Vector3(*scaling), lifetime=rospy.Duration(), ) rviz_pub.publish(marker)
[docs]def draw_ray_3d( pix_coords, camera_model: PinholeCameraModel, color: ColorRGBA, frame: str = "/stereo_front", m_id=0, length=35, ) -> None: """ Draws a 3D ray in Rviz. Creates a new Marker message and publishes it to the Rviz topic. Args: pix_coords (???): The coordinates of the pixel. camera_model (PinholeCameraModel): The camera model to derive the marker's direction from. color (ColorRGBA): The color of the ray. frame (str): The frame that the ray is relevant to. Defaults to ``/stereo_font``. m_id (int): The ID of the marker. Defaults to ``0``. length (int): The length of the ray. Defaults to ``35``. """ marker = make_ray( base=np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), direction=np.array(camera_model.projectPixelTo3dRay(pix_coords)), length=length, color=color, frame=frame, m_id=m_id, ) rviz_pub.publish(marker)
[docs]def make_ray( base: np.ndarray, direction: np.ndarray, length: int, color: List[float], frame: str = "/base_link", m_id: int = 0, **kwargs, ) -> visualization_msgs.Marker: """ Makes a ray from a base with a direction. The ray is constructed in the ``wamv`` namespace and has an infinite lifetime. Args: base (np.ndarray): The base of the marker. direction (np.ndarray): The direction of the marker. length (int): The length of the ray. color (List[float]): A list containing the ``r``, ``g``, ``b``, and ``a`` values of the color. frame (str): The frame that the ray is referenced from. Defaults to ``/base_link``. m_id (int): The unique ID of the marker. Defaults to ``0``. """ marker = visualization_msgs.Marker( ns="wamv", id=m_id, header=mil_ros_tools.make_header(frame=frame), type=visualization_msgs.Marker.LINE_STRIP, action=visualization_msgs.Marker.ADD, color=ColorRGBA(*color), scale=Vector3(0.05, 0.05, 0.05), points=[Point(*o) for o in [base, direction * length]], lifetime=rospy.Duration(), **kwargs, ) return marker