Ubuntu Password Reset GuideΒΆ

Follow the steps for resetting your Ubuntu Password:

  1. Boot up your device / VM.

  2. Go into the boot menu by either holding down SHIFT or pressing ESC depending on your device; This will get you into the GRUB menu.

    image text

  3. Navigate to the 2nd option from the top (Top most Recovery Boot Option) and then hit ENTER; This will get you to the Recovery Menu.

    image text

  4. Now, the root prompt shows up like: root@ubuntu:~#.

  5. Remount the filesystem using: mount -o remount,rw /.

  6. Next, you need to know your user name. You can do this by using: ls /home.

  7. To change the password, use: passwd userName, replacing userName with your user name. image text

  8. Type in exit and hit ENTER to go back to the Recovery Menu and then select resume to boot into Ubuntu.

Images taken from stackoverflow