Koolio Related Emails


Just saw you on count down.I also tried to place an order to Ft.Lauderdale, but the site was down. later.


Hey there, Is koolio really for sale?  My friends and I at work tried to click on the link to buy one and the page couldn’t be found.  I hope that this hasn’t made me sound too dumb if this is a joke site or anything.  I just thought it was neat.



JSue Kirtland


Saw your Koolio page as linked by the Dave Barry Blog.  Fascinating! I can't wait for the online "where is Koolio" and "what's he currently seeing?" realtime data/images.
:) Aaron



My editor thought that the Koolio robot project might be a good
candidate for a "You Built WHAT?" column -- do you have some time in the
next few weeks to talk about it?

Paul Wallich

Popular Science Magazine


I would like to have one of our writers
interview you on the phone and also have you send me a short video
demonstration of you with your creation. (Maybe a 45 second clip of you
with the robot in action.) Let me know if you are interested.

Brian Bushell : CEO
True University Media
270 Park Ave. S. : New York, NY 10010
www.TrueU.com : 866.720.8783


Dear Sirs,

Have seen your Koolio unit that you have developed and am interested in
writing an item for my UK trade magazine Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
News. Do you have any further technical details about the fridge. Is it a standard
unit and how has it been adapted? Also, do you have any photos
you could e-mail me?

Neil Everitt, Editor, ACR News



Dear Brian,

I am a Norwegian technology writer about to mention the very fascinating Koolio in a technology issue of the main Norwegian business daily, Dagens Naeringsliv (www.dn.no). In order to do that I need to obtain a good, preferably high resolution (or as high as you can get it) of the machine as well as the price and how to order (if it can be ordered). Your assistance in this would make me and my editor very happy


Tellef Řgrim, Journalist

Oslo, Norway

Bergsalléen 6a

0854, Oslo

Tlf. +47 95275966



We are a publishing house here in Norway who once a year publishes a book with the title ”Verdens Oppfinnelser” (in English this title would be “World Inventions”). I want to make an article about a product that I read about on your web page, the Koolio. I was hoping that you could help me with some images of thiis poduct so I can use in the article. Hope to hear from you.


Med vennlig hilsen/best regards from

for Atlantic Forlag AS

Sverre Mowinckel-Nilsen

Telefon: +47 55 30 48 60

Telefaks: +47 55 30 48 61




In addition to your live interview on MSNBC, our story on Koolio aired at the national/network level on NBC's Today Show, and the Early Today Show, Fox News Channel's Fox Report with Shepard Smith     (three times) & CNBC's Squawk Box. 

In the nation's 30 biggest television markets, here's the rundown (with number of hits or airings in parentheses:

New York (6 hits), Los Angeles (5 hits), Chicago, San Francisco, Dallas (3), Washington (2), Houston (2), Tampa (2), Minneapolis (2), Cleveland (5), Phoenix (2), Miami (4), Denver, Sacramento (2), Pittsburgh (4), St. Louis, Portland (2), Baltimore (4), Indianapolis, San Diego (4), Charlotte (3), Raleigh, Nashville (4), Milwaukee (2), Cincinnati (3)

The story also aired in smaller markets all across the country and in every city in Florida.   Since we've been tracking how well our stories do nationwide (about 8 years now), the story on Koolio was the 9th most successful story in UF broadcast history. 

Thanks again for your help and willingness to throw yourself into the media onslaught.

Quinten, University of Florida


Hello pietro,
I'm newseditor in Russian Digital Journal. We're interested in your new robot Koolio. We gonna make a feature about it. Could you send me high res images for our publication.

Andrew Matveev
Russian Digital Journal

Best regards,
RdNews :


Hi, my name is Leslie Canedo, I am a Producer at Sabado Gigante, please give me a call, we would like to invite you to the show.

Thank You!
Leslie Canedo
(305) 471-8264



My name is Sergey Ruzhentsev. I’m the editor of the Ukrainian magazine Hi-Tech .We would like to write about Koolio. Could you be so kind to send me hi-resolution (~ 300dpi) pictures of this prototype? Hope for cooperation with you.

best regards,

Sergey Ruzhentsev
Hi-Tech Panorama
+38 (044) 490-81-60


Koolio on the Web


Ipingforpong writes "Recently a University of Florida engineering student named Brian Pietrodangelo built a mini fridge named Koolio that when you place an order through the website, will deliver a cold soda, beer, or various candy to you. Right now it's only available in one building at University of Florida but soon it could catch on in office buildings and other places."




Koolio, the Beer Delivery Robot

Now you have almost no reason to ever leave your computer. A University of Florida student has put together three long existing concepts -- robots, refrigerators, and food delivery -- and created the world's first food delivery robot, Koolio. No word yet on when the all beer "Kegger" version will be coming out, although "PortaPotty" is already reportedly in the works.




Учащийся университета Флориды (University of Florida) Брайан Питроденжело (Brian Pietrodangelo) построил автономного робота Koolio, который развозит людям охлаждённые им же самим напитки.

Автор говорит, что Koolio — это смесь дроида R2D2 и торгового автомата.

А построил его студент специально для работы на третьем этаже своего учебного заведения, где от жажды страдает преподавательский состав.

Робот-холодильник получает заказы через университетскую локальную сеть по беспроводной связи.

Koolio имеет все необходимые инструменты: сонар для определения расстояния, инфракрасный сенсор для обнаружения препятствий, ПО для точной навигации и видеокамеру для идентификации номера комнаты, в которой люди ждут напиток.

Читайте также о младшем брате R2D2, который


привозит хозяину пиво.



Студент построил автономный робот-холодильник

23 апреля 2004

Учащийся университета Флориды (University of Florida) Брайан Питроденжело (Brian Pietrodangelo) построил автономного робота Koolio, который развозит людям охлаждённые им же самим напитки.

Автор говорит, что Koolio — это смесь дроида R2D2 и торгового автомата.

А построил его студент специально для работы на третьем этаже своего учебного заведения, где от жажды страдает преподавательский состав.

Робот-холодильник получает заказы через университетскую локальную сеть по беспроводной связи.

Koolio имеет все необходимые инструменты: сонар для определения расстояния, инфракрасный сенсор для обнаружения препятствий, ПО для точной навигации и видеокамеру для идентификации номера комнаты, в которой люди ждут напиток.

Читайте также о младшем брате R2D2, который привозит хозяину пиво.




Kevin Phillipson und Brian Pietrodangelo haben sich wirklich verdient gemacht: Sie haben den ersten vollautoamtischen und autonomen
Bier-Roboter geschaffen. Der Mix aus R2D2 und Kühlautomat wird übers Intranet gerufen und bringt die gewünschte Lieferung in das Zimmer der Wahl. Er hat eine eingebaute Kühlung, meldet "Bier aus" und kann auf jedes Büro programmiert werden. Nur Treppen kommt er nicht hoch!




Csodálatos a modern technika! Gondoljanak csak bele: régen, ha megszomjazott az ember, kénytelen volt kisétálni a konyhába, vagy a legközelebbi italhűtőig, és saját maga elővenni a kívánt folyadékot.

Most azonban színre lépett Koolio, és egy új utat mutat: az félre mindenki, megérkezett az önműködő minibár! A szomorú, hogy a kis gépből ez idáig csak egyetlen darab készült el, bár gyaníthatóan rengetegen lennének hajlandóak pénzt kiadni egy ilyen luxuscsodáért, elvégre az idő pénz- főleg ha épp meccs közben kellene felállni  a TV elől egy italért. Koolio szülőatyja egy Brian Pietrodangelo nevű, a Floridai Egyetemen tevékenykedő műszakis tanuló, aki kifejezetten a professzorok számára tervezte a kis gépet. A kis kerekes hűtő ugyans Wi-Fi hálózaton keresztül kommunikál, és amint megkapta a rendelést, bonyolult szenzorrendszere segítségével végigküzdi magát a folyosókon, és azonnal szállítja a hideg frissítőt, teszi mindezt pihenés nélkül, a nap 24 órájában, hetente hétszer- ideális munkaerő, és még fizetést se igényel. Bár ahogy fejlődik ez a tudományág, talán nemsokára már az önműködő sörhűtőknek is külön szakszervezete lesz




A Floridai Egyetem egyik műszaki szakos hallgatója, Brian Pietrodangelo olyan miniatűr italhűtőt rakott össze, amely elviszi a rendelt italokat a professzorok irodáiba. A Koolio névre keresztelt robotszolga beépített Wi-Fi hálózati kártyával fogadja az elfoglalt tudósok által feladott rendeléseket, és a dokkolóállomás elhagyása után radarok, infravörös érzékelők és kamerák segítségével közlekedik az egyetemi folyosókon. Koolio a nap huszonnégy órájában, a hét összes napján kiszolgál bárkit, amire egy ember képtelen lenne.





Ipingforpong пишет: "Студент-инженер из университета штата Флорида Брайан Пьетроданжело (Brian Pietrodangelo) собрал робота, который выполняет функции "продвинутого холодильника, и назвал его Koolio. Этому роботу можно оставить заказ через веб-сайт, и к вашему приходу домой он закажет кока-колу, пиво или сладости. Пока что этот робот установлен только в одном из зданий университета Флориды, но вскоре его можно будет увидеть и в офисных помещениях."




Vollautomatischer Getränke-Roboter


22.04.2004 18:00 Uhr - Nützliche Studienarbeit an der Universität in Florida: Kevin Phillipson und Brian Pietrodangelo entwickelten in den "Machine Intelligence Labs" einen Roboter, der auf Wunsch Getränke serviert. Per Wireless-Lan ist die Fusion aus R2D2 und einem Getränke-Automaten, genannt Koolio, mit dem Netzwerk verbunden, über welches die Bestellung aufgegeben werden kann. Anschließend navigiert sich der Roboter mittels Bewegungssensoren und Webcams zu seinem Auftraggeber. Auf der Webseite der beiden Erfinder kann man die technischen Daten, Funktionsweise und Schaltkreise des ungewöhnlichen Dieners nachlesen.

(Sebastian Kmeth)




und wieder ein schritt nach vorne:

Nützliche Studienarbeit an der Universität in Florida: Kevin Phillipson und Brian Pietrodangelo entwickelten in den "Machine Intelligence Labs" einen Roboter, der auf Wunsch Getränke serviert.

Per Wireless-Lan ist die Fusion aus R2D2 und einem Getränke-Automaten, genannt Koolio, mit dem Netzwerk verbunden, über welches die Bestellung aufgegeben werden kann. Anschließend navigiert sich der Roboter mittels Bewegungssensoren und Webcams zu seinem Auftraggeber.

"Although Koolio is initially designed for Benton Hall it could be applied in an any office, school, or even your own home. It is completely autonomous and has numerous sensors to accommodate even the trickiest environments. Imagine watching a movie with someone and you get thirsty. It is an inconvenience to everyone watching the movie to stop the movie, but at the same time you don’t want to miss anything important. Koolio could solve your problem. Or say you are watching a boxing match with your buddies and need another beer. Instead of missing that knock out punch Koolio could deliver you, and all your friends, beer all night long. You have this luxury 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Find a human to do that."

hab ichs doch gewusst das sowas kommt *gg* so schaut das drumm aus:




Now you have almost no reason to ever leave your computer. A University of Florida student has put together three long existing concepts -- robots,refrigerators, and food delivery -- and created the world's first food delivery robot, Koolio. No word yet on when the all beer "Kegger" version will be comming out, although "PortaPotty" is already reportedly in the works.

"Recently a University of Florida engineering student named Brian Pietrodangelo built a mini fridge named Koolio that when you place an order through the
website, will deliver a cold soda, beer, or various candy to you. Right now it's only available in one building at University of Florida but soon it could catch on in office buildings and other places."



Студент построил автономный робот-холодильник

 Учащийся университета Флориды Брайан Питроденжело (Brian Pietrodangelo) построил автономного робота Koolio, который развозит людям охлаждённые им же самим напитки.

Автор говорит, что Koolio — это смесь дроида R2D2 и торгового автомата.


А построил его студент специально для работы на третьем этаже своего учебного заведения, где от жажды страдает преподавательский состав.

Робот-холодильник получает заказы через университетскую локальную сеть по беспроводной связи.


Koolio имеет все необходимые инструменты: сонар для определения расстояния, инфракрасный сенсор для обнаружения препятствий, ПО для точной навигации и видеокамеру для идентификации номера комнаты, в которой люди ждут напиток




n Sörhűtő robot A Floridai Egyetem egyik hallgatója, Brian Pietrodangelo olyan miniatűr italhűtőt rakott össze, amely elviszi a rendelt italokat a professzorok irodáiba. A Koolio névre keresztelt robotszolga beépített Wi-Fi hálózati kártyával fogadja a rendeléseket, és radarok, infravörös érzékelők és kamerák segítségével közlekedik az egyetemi folyosókon





Студент университета Флориды (UUniversity of Florida) Брайан Питроденжело (Brian Pietrodangelo) создал автономного робота-холодильника, который предназначен для доставки людям охлажденных (догадайтесь кем) напитков. Имя робота Koolio (созвучно с английским ''Cool'' - охлаждать). Создатель робота утверждает, что Koolio - это помесь дроида R2D2 и торгового автомата. Построен робот специально для работы на третьем этаже своего университета (для обслуживания преподавательского состава). Заказы Koolio получает через беспроводную университетскую локальную сеть. Для выполнения своих обязанностей он оборудован инфракрасным сенсором для обнаружения препятствий, сонаром-дальномером, видеокамерой для определения номера комнаты, в которую необходимо доставить напитки. Софтовая начинка робота представлена соответственным навигационным программным обеспечением.





The following is an excerpt from the April 21, 2004 MSNBC TV show, "Countdown with Keith Olbermann."

OLBERMANN: Edison, Marconi, Ford, Bell, Koolio, the names of the great inventors and their great inventions. I‘m just guessing here. Koolio is giving you a bit of a problem. You don‘t recognize his contributor and you‘re doubting that I‘m referring to his rap hip “Gangsta‘s Paradise.”

The No. 1 story on the COUNTDOWN tonight, no, this is the other Koolio, the with a K. And he‘s not the inventor, but rather the invented. Meet Koolio with a k. If Homer Simpson were an inventor or, if, say, he was real, he definitely would have thought of this. Koolio is a robotic refrigerator. It travels the halls here at the University of Florida bringing tasty cold frosty milkshakes and other beverages directly to those who have ordered them from the inventor‘s Web site.

You never even have to leave your computer or, in more practical applications, you never even have to get your fat butt up off the couch.

Kevin Phillipson and Brian Pietrodangelo are the inventors. Brian is a senior at the University of Florida‘s School of Engineering. He joins us now.

Brian, good evening.


OLBERMANN: Right away, I need to know this. You thought of this because what, getting beer out of the fridge was not happening fast enough for you?

PIETRODANGELO: Well, not even that. But I‘m sure you can appreciate
this, being a sports enthusiast. Sitting on the couch and watching a game·
The idea came from me when I was sitting there watching a Florida football game and it was my turn to get a beer for everyone from the fridge.

I go to the fridge and get it and then I hear all this screaming. I run back in and it was like a 75-yard touchdown pass from Rex Grossman to Ben Troupe. And he hurdles three people. And I was furious. Granted, I can see it on replay, but it‘s just not the same. And ever since then, I figured there is an easier way to get a drink from the refrigerator than having to leave the couch.

OLBERMANN: Out of such trauma does the invention inspiration come. Give us—without going into too much technical detail, how does this work?

PIETRODANGELO: The best description of Koolio is a cross between R2- D2 and a vending machine.


PIETRODANGELO: And what happens is, right now, it‘s set up where a professor is sitting at a desk working diligently in the engineering hall at the University of Florida. And he logs on to the Internet to Koolio and says, hey, Koolio, I want a drink.

Koolio receives its call, leaves its docking station, a station down the hall in a separate lab, and travels to the correct classroom until he gets to the professor‘s classroom. He goes in there, delivers the drink. The professor grabs it out. Koolio turns around and goes back to his docking station and waits for the next call.

OLBERMANN: Do you see this, Brian, as having some sort of practical use in the future? Can you sell these things to anybody other than the extraordinarily either let‘s say energized-challenged or the extraordinarily football-obsessed?

PIETRODANGELO: Well, there is a universal need to be lazy, you know.

PIETRODANGELO: If you don‘t have to get off the couch to get a drink, why would you? You know, granted, right now, the price of Koolio is probably more than people would like than to get off the couch. But, eventually, mass-produced, these things could easily be in every home, every office, every school around the world, even.

OLBERMANN: Well, how much use is it getting right now? How often do professors actually call on it and what kind of, as we used to refer to them, brownie points does this thing score for you?

PIETRODANGELO: Oh, it definitely helps out, of course. And right now, it doesn‘t run 24/7. We‘re still ironing a few kinks out of it just to make it perfect.

The about Koolio is, it‘s completely autonomous. So it has to make every decision for itself. Every single situation it has to be in, it has to make a decision. It‘s not like BattleBots. And everyone always asks me, oh, so you build things like BattleBots. No, those are remote controls. This thing has intelligence.

OLBERMANN: Wow. Terrific.

Brian Pietrodangelo from the University of Florida, thanks for your time. Congratulations on Koolio.

PIETRODANGELO: No problem. Thanks, Keith.

OLBERMANN: And before we leave the top story, one more thing you need to know. It is not planned as a companion to Koolio, but we‘ve already brought you coverage of another innovation in home something or another, the Neorest toilet. It does everything for you. That‘s right, everything. Here comes Mr. Olbermann down the street, followed by his walking refrigerator and his state-of-the-art toilet.

Before we go, let‘s recap the five COUNTDOWN stories, the ones we think you‘ll be talking about tomorrow.

No. 5, selective service suggestions. The Republican Senator Chuck Hagel says it is time we think about reinstating the draft, but military and political authorities say an Army of draftees is not going to work in the field or in public opinion. Four, how a mad cow in Washington, a typhoon in Madagascar pushed up the price of milk and the price of vanilla, and, more importantly, what that means to the price of ice cream this summer. Look for it to go up 20 to 30 > percent.

Three, between coordinating bombings in Basra and a suicide attack in Saudi Arabia, are we getting further away from actually winning the war on terror, in the Middle East, at least, to say nothing of the battle for hearts and minds in the Arab world? Two, a fond farewell to one of the men who started the trend of world records in things like most worms eaten in 30 seconds. Norris McWhirter of the “Book of World Records” is dead.

And, No. 1, Koolio, the robotic refrigerator, an invention in the true spirit of we Homer Simpsons everywhere. No need to get off the couch. It will bring your cold beer to you. Mmm, Koolio beer.

That‘s COUNTDOWN. Thanks for being part of it. I‘m Keith Olbermann.

Good night and good luck.



