IMDL Fall 2009 Final Reports




Final Paper



Seong Kim

CAT (Crawling Autonomous roboT) is an interactive behavioral robot that responds to human stimuli and interacts with its perceived environment in an entertaining way, and also dynamically changes its behavior over time in a non-deterministic fashion.

Final Report
Demo Day MOV
Demo Day QT
Media Day MOV
Media Day QT
Media Day 1 AVI
Media Day 2 AVI
Media Day 3 AVI



Christian Davis

RoboVette is an autonomous police car that enforces the speed limit by pulling over vehicles that have been caught speeding. When a speeder is detected, RoboVette pulls out from its hiding spot and commences to pursue the speed offender until the vehicle is pulled over.

Final Report
Demo Day MOV
Demo Day QT
Media Day MOV 1
Media Day MOV 2
Media Day QT 1
Media Day QT 2



Duckki Lee

PIBot (Pill Informer roBot) is a persuasive robotic companion that helps a patient take medication on time. With a mounted pill box, PIBot will track and follow patients and remind them 
when it is time to take their medication.

Final Report
Demo Day MOV 1
Demo Day MOV 2
Demo Day QT 1
Demo Day QT 2
Media Day MOV
Media Day QT


Canek Acosta

Arturito is an omni-directional artillery fire robot, especially designed to take on the fearsome foe of Beer Pong. Capable of translating and rotating thanks to its omniwheels, and his fearsome launching device, Arturito is sure to become a Pong Champ. Furthermore, he can be taught to attack any target (based on color), so watch out Seminoles.

Final Report
Demo Day MOV
Demo Day QT
Media Day MOV 1
Media Day MOV 2
Media Day QT 1
Media Day QT 2



Jonathan Coad

The Defensive Anti-Velociraptor Integrated System is design to target, track and eliminate any threat of raptors to the human species.

Final Report
Demo Day MOV
Demo Day QT
Media Day MOV
Media Day QT

Chazer Gator


Siddharth Garg

Chazer is an advanced autonomous search and destroy robot. Using his computer vision, Chazer can track, chase, and eliminate stationary or moving objects. Having an arsenal containing shear horsepower and an extremely accurate targeting mechanism, Chazer is capable of immense destruction.

Final Report
Demo Day MOV
Demo Day QT
Media Day MOV 1
Media Day MOV 2
Media Day QT 1
Media Day QT 2


Nathan Blythe

The TagBots are a collection of identical, competitive, autonomous, tag-playing robots.  Based around audible signal detection, obstacle avoidance, and synchronized inter-robot communication on collisions, any number of identically constructed robots can play tag in almost any arena.

Final Report
Demo Day MOV
Demo Day QT
Media Day MOV
Media Day QT

Lazy Maid


Aaron Fisher

The Lazy Maid  will clean a room by picking up blocks and returning them to a bin in the corner of the room. The Lazy Maid gets her name because she will stop working when she senses there is no one in the room.

Final Report
Demo Day MOV
Demo Day QT
Media Day MOV
Media Day QT



Yan Santos

Haro is a robotic companion purposely made to aide in military and reconnaissance missions. She can follow a wall and sense the presence of someone in a corner, track a path while making sure that the user is following and interact with the user using a pair of custom wireless virtual reality gloves.

Final Report
Demo Day MOV
Demo Day QT
Media Day MOV
Media Day QT



Hao He

SoccerFan can automatically locate colored balls and hit
them into a colored goal.

Final Report
Demo Day MOV
Demo Day QT
Media Day MOV
Media Day QT



Joshua Phillips

MARV (Marine Autonomous Recovery Vehicle) is an autonomous dual-terrain vehicle with the ability to drive along the ground in addition to underwater propulsion.  MARV's purpose is to upon activation, enter a body of water, locate submersed cargo and bring it back to the home base.  Before entering the water MARV must in addition locate any hostiles along the shoreline and take them out.

Final Report
Demo Day MOV
Demo Day QT
Media Day MOV
Media Day QT



Matt Mahin

Squirt is a small, autonomous plant watering robot designed to operate in an indoor environment. He locates plants and brings water to them.

Final Report
Demo Day MOV
Demo Day QT
Media Day MOV
Media Day QT



Brian Long

FanBot is a robot alligator.  We all know that Florida is the best football team in the country; FanBot proudly demonstrates the fact that UF's fans are also the best.  FanBot's sounds and behaviors are determined visually.  He dislikes non-Gator fans, and will attack if he sees one!

Final Report
Demo Day MOV 1
Demo Day MOV 2
Demo Day MOV 3
Demo Day MOV 4
Demo Day QT 1
Demo Day QT 2
Demo Day QT 3
Demo Day QT 4
Media Day MOV 1
Media Day MOV 2
Media Day QT 1
Media Day QT 2



Fernando Coviello

Metallocalizer is an autonomous construction site clean-up robot. He will look for and pick up small-sized metal objects (such as bolts, nails, screws, and metal debris) that can be harmful to workers in the area.

Final Report
Media Day MOV
Media Day QT



Jun Ling

In open space, Follower follows a moving target.  In a laned Follower can also track an obect in a 2 lane situation; when a hostile vehicle moves toward Follower, it will dodge to avoid collision, changing lanes if necessary.

Final Report
Demo Day MOV
Demo Day QT
Media Day MOV 1
Media Day MOV 2
Media Day QT 1
Media Day QT 2



Moses Anubi

PingBot will locate ping pong balls and pick them up with a vacuum.

Final Report
Media Day MOV
Post Media Day MOV
Media Day QT
Post Media Day QT



Sarfaraz Suleman

Get MAD is a prototype vending machine robot that operates on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) commands. It navigates a predefined track to vend the appropriate drink based on the command received.

Final Report
Demo Day MOV
Demo Day QT
Media Day MOV
Post Media Day MOV
Media Day QT
Post Media Day QT