AUVSI and ONR's 10th International Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Competition, July 11-15, 2007,
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, TRANSDEC Facility, San Diego, California.
- SubjuGator 2007,
Kevin Claycomb, Sean Cohen, Jacob Collums, Carlo Francis, Grzegorz Cieslewski,
Tom Feeney, Donald J. Burnette, Gene Shokes, David Conrad, Hector Martinez III,
Eric M. Schwartz
2007 Florida Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics (FCRAR 2007), May 31-June 1, 2007, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida.
AUVSI and ONR's 9th International Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Competition, August 2-6, 2006,
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, TRANSDEC Facility, San Diego, California.
- SubjuGator 2006,
Carlo Francis, James Greco, Kevin Claycomb, Matthew Koenn, Sean Cohen, Sean Matthews,
Michael Gregg, Jacob Collumns, Gene Shokes, Greg Cieslewski, Adam Barnett,
Eric M. Schwartz, A. Antonio Arroyo
2006 Florida Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics (FCRAR 2006), May 25-26, 2006, Florida International University, Miami, Florida.
Aritficial Intelligence Grounded in Reality,
A. Antonio Arroyo, Eric M. Schwartz
Koolio: Path Planning Using Reinforcement Learning on a Real Robot Platform,
Lavi Zamstein, A. Antonio Arroyo, Eric M. Schwartz, Sara Keen, Blake C. Sutton, and Gorang Gandhi
Autonomous Lawn Care Applications,
Michael Gregg, Eric M. Schwartz, A. Antonio Arroyo
Gnuman: An Interactive Omni-Directional Anthropomorphic Robot,
Jacob Collums, John Miller III, and Eric M. Schwartz
SubjuGator 5: Winner of the 2005 AUVSI Autonomous Submarine Competition,
William Dubel, James Greco, Carlo Francis, Aaron Chinault, Adam Barnett, Kevin Claycomb,
Grzegroz Cieslewski, Alan Melling, Eric M. Schwartz, and A. Antonio Arroyo
Koolio: An Intelligent Autonomous Refrigerator Robot,
Sara Keen, Wenxing Ye, Lavi Zamstein, Blake Sutton, Gene Shokes, Gorang Gandhi,
Eric M. Schwartz, Antonio Arroyo
AUVSI and ONR's 8th International Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Competition, August 3-7, 2005,
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, TRANSDEC Facility, San Diego, California.
- SubjuGator 2005,
William Dubel, James Greco, Aaron Chinault, Carlo Francis, Adam Barnett, Kevin Claycomb, Alan Melling, Eric M. Schwartz and A. Antonio Arroyo.
AUVSI and ONR's 7th International Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Competition, July 28-August 4, 2004,
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, TRANSDEC Facility, San Diego, California.
- SubjuGator 2004,
Rolando Panez, Karl Dockendorf, William Dubel, Enrique Irigoyen, Brian Pietrodangelo, Alex Silverman, John Godowski,
Eric M. Schwartz, Michael C. Nechyba and A. Antonio Arroyo.
SubjuGator 5: Winner of the 2005 AUVSI Autonomous Submarine Competition,
William Dubel, James Greco, Carlo Francis, Aaron Chinault, Adam Barnett, Kevin Claycomb,
Grzegroz Cieslewski, Alan Melling, Eric M. Schwartz, and A. Antonio Arroyo
2004 Florida Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics (FCRAR 2004), May 6-7, 2004, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida.
AUVSI and ONR's 6th International Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Competition, August 7-10, 2003,
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, TRANSDEC Facility, San Diego, California.
- SubjuGator 2003,
Max Makeev, J.P. Clerc, Rolando Panez, Joel Schipper, Alex Silverman, Vinh Trinh
Eric M. Schwartz, Michael C. Nechyba and A. Antonio Arroyo.
2003 Florida Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics (FCRAR 2003), May 8-9, 2003, Florida Atlantic University, Dania Beach, Florida.
- Firebot: Design of an Autonomous Fire Fighting Robot,
Lynette Miller, Danny Rodriguez, Kristen Allen, Maksim Makeev, Jason Plew, Mathew Moore, and Eric M. Schwartz
- Using A Bayes Classifier to Draw the First Down Line on a Football Field,
Jeremy Anderson, Michael Nechyba, A. Antonio Arroyo, and Eric M. Schwartz
- A Centralized Associative Behavioral Robotic System,
Rolando Panez, Maksim Makeev, A. Antonio Arroyo, Eric M. Schwartz
- Embedded Low Cost Inertial Navigation System,
Kevin J. Walchko, Michael C. Nechyba, A. Antonio Arroyo, and Eric M. Schwartz
- Hand Writing Recognition System for Musical Notes,
Alex Silverman, Luis Jimenez, Michael Nechyba, A. Antonio Arroyo, and Eric M. Schwartz
- Our First Robot Soccer Player: Pele2,
Ashish Jain, A. Antonio Arroyo, Michael C. Nechyba, and Eric M. Schwartz
- The Integration of Robotics in Grade School to Promote Interest in Math and Science,
Ian A. Arroyo, A. Antonio Arroyo, Eric M. Schwartz
- Creation and Analysis of a Scenario Based Universal Sensory Driver Layer with Real-time Fault Tolerant Properties,
TaeHoon A. Choi, Michael C. Nechyba, A. Antonio Arroyo, and Eric M. Schwartz
- An Alternative Real-Time Image Processing Tool,
Shalom Darmanjian, A. Antonio Arroyo, and Eric M. Schwartz
- A Color Detection Method for Introductory Robotics,
Vinh Trinh, A. Antonio Arroyo, Eric M. Schwartz, and Michael C. Nechyba
- Advances in the Application of the Evolvable Hardware Method to Autonomous Robot Design,
Jason Plew, A. Antonio Arroyo, and Eric M. Schwartz
- Robot Navigation and Textural Analysis,
Rand Chandler, A. Antonio Arroyo, Michael C. Nechyba, and Eric M. Schwartz
AUVSI and ONR's 5th International Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Competition, July 31 - August 4, 2002,
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, TRANSDEC Facility, San Diego, California.
- SubjuGator 2002,
Jason W. Grzywna, Jennifer L. Laine, Kevin Walchko, Ryan P. Dye, Ashish Jain,
Nicholas Ivano, Michael C. Nechyba, Eric M. Schwartz and A. Antonio Arroyo.
2002 Florida Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics (FCRAR 2002), May 23-24, 2002, Florida International University, Miami, Florida.
Applying an Evolvable Hardware Approach to Autonomous Robot Design
(J. Plew, A. A. Arroyo, and E. M. Schwartz)
An Autonomous Pong Playing Robot
(U. Rodriguez, J. Buisson, L. Miller, R. Panez, and E. M. Schwartz)
Creation and Analysis of Sensory Drivers Using ERL
(M. Moore, T. A. Choi, E. M. Schwartz, M. C. Nechyba, and A. A. Arroyo)
KELVIN: A Second Generation Land Vehicle
(J.W. Grzywna, N. M. Ivano Jr., E. M. Schwartz, and A. A. Arroyo)
Autonomous Agent Navigation Based on Textural Analysis
(R. C. Chandler, A. A. Arroyo, M. C. Nechyba, and E. M. Schwartz)
PNEUMAN: A Humanoid Robot Implementation
(S. Nortman, A. A. Arroyo, M. C. Nechyba, and E. M. Schwartz)
AUVSI and ONR's 4th International Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Competition, July 11 - July 15, 2001,
US Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.
- SubjuGator: Sinkin’ is Easy ,
Jason Grzywna, Scott Kanowitz, Jennifer L. Laine, Scott Nortman, David K. Novick, Kevin Walchko,
Michael C. Nechyba, Antonio Arroyo and Eric M. Schwartz.
2001 Florida Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics (FCRAR 2001), May 10-11, 2001, FAMU/FSU, Tallahassee, Florida.
“KELVIN: Kart for Long Distance Vision Navigation,”
Jason W. Grzywna, Eric M. Schwartz, and Antonio A. Arroyo, UF
“Robotic Swing Drive as Exploit of Stiffness Control Implementation,”
Nathan J. Nipper, Johnny Godowski, Antonio A. Arroyo, and Eric M. Schwartz, UF
“Jurassic Chicken: An Avian Bipedal Robot,”
Megan Grimm, Antonio A. Arroyo, and Eric M. Schwartz
AUVSI and ONR's 3rd International Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Competition, July 7-9, 2000,
Disney's Coronado Springs Resort, Orlando, Florida.
- SubjuGator: Sink or Swim?,
Jennifer L. Laine, Scott A. Nichols, David K. Novick, Patrick D. O’Malley, Ivan Zapata,
Michael C. Nechyba and Antonio Arroyo [and Eric M. Schwartz].
2000 Florida Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics (FCRAR 2000), May 10-11, 2001, FAMU/FSU, Tallahassee, Florida.
The Next Generation Autonomous Lawn Mower
(Chandler, Arroyo, Nechyba, Schwartz. FCRAR 2000)
Gyroscopically Stabilized and Controlled Single-Wheeled Autonomous Vehicle
(Cavin, Nechyba, Arroyo, Schwartz. FCRAR 2000)
Development Of An Autonomous All-Terrain Vision Research Platform
(Kanowitz, Arroyo, Schwartz. FCRAR 2000)
Omnibot 2000: Development of an Autonomous Mobile Agent for the Disabled and Elderly
(Nortman, Arroyo, Schwartz. FCRAR 2000)
Development Of An Autonomous Anthropomorphic Mobile Agent
(Nortman, Kanowitz, Arroyo, Schwartz. FCRAR 2000)
TORO: A new approach to implementing a vision-capable robot
(Reiser, Arroyo, Schwartz. FCRAR 2000)
Autonomous Aerial Vehicle: SADTU (Self Automated Dynamic Thrust Unit)
(Schlecht, Schwartz, Arroyo, REU 2000)
AUVSI and ONR's 2nd International Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Competition, August 6-8, 1999,
Costal Systems Station, Panama City, Florida.
1999 Florida Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics (FCRAR 1999), April 29-30, 1999, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
AUVSI and ONR's 1st International Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Competition, August 1-3, 1998,
Costal Systems Station, Panama City, Florida.