Simple iterative vector quantization animations

(Note: videos below are given in both quicktime and mpeg formats; however, the quicktime videos tend to be higher quality and are therefore recommended. If you do not have quicktime installed, you can download the free player (Mac/Windows) from Apple.)
Below, we illustrate the convergence behavior of the LBG vector quantization algorithm on two synthetic 2d data distributions (represented by the pink regions). For each distribution, we show the iterative LBG VQ algorithm (1) with just the centroids, and (2) with the implicit partitioning of the 2d feature space superimposed.
Annular region
(288 x 288)

(high-quality, quicktime, 1.5 Mb)

(lower-quality, mpeg, 228 kb)
Annular region
(288 x 288)

(with implicit partitioning of 2d space superimposed)

(high-quality, quicktime, 2.1 Mb)

(lower-quality, mpeg, 524 kb)
E-shaped polygonal region
(288 x 288)

(high-quality, quicktime, 1.7 Mb)

(lower-quality, mpeg, 236 kb)
E-shaped polygonal region
(288 x 288)

(with implicit partitioning of 2d space superimposed)

(high-quality, quicktime, 2.2 Mb)

(lower-quality, mpeg, 496 kb)

Last updated October 9, 2003 by Michael C. Nechyba