Subject: Invitation to Robot Demo Day, Wednesday, April 20th, 2016

From: "Eric M. Schwartz" <>

Date: 4/6/2016 3:10 PM


To: "Eric M. Schwartz" <>


We would like to extend an invitation to you (and any guests you might like to bring) to our robot demonstrations on Wednesday, April 20th, at the University of Florida.  Most of these robots have been designed and built by undergraduate and/or graduate students for the Intelligent Machine Design Laboratory (IMDL) course.  This may be the last ever robot demonstration day of its kind at UF, but will definitely be the last one until December 2017.

There will be live demonstrations of about 20 robots built by the IMDL students. The event will also showcase Machine Intelligence Laboratory (MIL) robots.  See for more info.

One of the IMDL robot detects people and asks if the subject if they want a picture taken; if so, the robot takes a picture and delivers the picture to the user.  Another robot (CATastrophe) finds robot mice, “kills them, and then gobbles them up!

We will show MIL's PropaGator 2, a robot boat designed, built, and first deployed in the 2014 AUVSI/ONR international robot boat world championship. PropaGator 2 earned 2nd place in this RoboBoat competition (after having won with PropaGator 1 in 2013). MIL's latest version of a robot submarine (SubjuGator 8) will also be shown. SubjuGator 8 was first deployed in the 2015 AUVSI/ONR international robot submarine world championship.  Our submarines have won three times and placed in the top three in 11 of the 18 years of the RoboSub competitions, including earning second place most recently in 2012, 2013, and 2014.

You can find an evolving description of each of the robots that we will demonstrate on the web at
Parking information is available at

Demo days are very exciting for both guests and media representatives. The demonstrations will be held in the New Engineering Building (NEB) Harris Rotunda from 1:00pm until about 3:00pm on Wednesday, April 20th. (The NEB is on center drive. A map can be found at We welcome your attendance!


Dr. Eric M. Schwartz
Director, Machine Intelligence Lab
EEL 4665/5666 Assistant and Demonstrations Coordinator
Faculty Advisor, SubjuGator and PropaGator Projects

Andrew Gray, PhD Student
EEL 4665/5666 Instructor

Dr. A. Antonio Arroyo
Past Director, Machine Intelligence Lab
EEL 4665/5666 Instructor

Dr. Eric M. Schwartz                         Phone: (352) 392-2541
Director, Machine Intel. Lab (MIL)           e-mail:
Master Lecturer, Elec. & Comp. Engineering
Director, SubjuGator AUV Project             571 Gale Lemerand Drive
Director, PropaGator ASV Project             106 MAEC, Building 183
Director, CongreGators Swarm Project         Gainesville, FL 32611-2049
Faculty Advisor, IEEE Robot Team
University of Florida                        MIL Location: 126 MAEC

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