Instructions for Making a UF Webpage

by Dr. Eric M. Schwartz


Your name, your robot name, weekly reports and your written reports will go on your web page.  (I suggest that you save your weekly reports in html format, rather than pdf format.)  You can put the attached file in your main directory on your web site and edit it with your favorite text editor (or web design program). For more info about your GatorLink (plaza) web site, go to  Below is the example, example_pg.html as it appears on the web (  The blue text represents links to files or pictures.


·    Robot Name: KlipKlap

·    Designer's Name: Clem Cadidalhopper

·    Robot Description: KlipKlap will walk on water and dispense candy to babies. It will see through walls and tell you what is sees.

·    Robot Picture

·         Proposal: Written report number 1

·         Sensor Types/Number:

·         2 – Infrared Proximity Sensors (Short Range) - Sharp GP2D120XJ00F (Sparkfun)

·         3 – Ultrasonic Range Finder - Maxbotix LV-EZ3 (Sparkfun)

·         1 – (IP Camera) 2.4GHz Wireless NTSC Outdoor Camera (Sparkfun)

·         Actuator Types/Number:

·         3 – (Hacked Servo) HSR-1425CR (57 Continuous Rotation Standard Servo (Lynxmotion)

·         2 - PGHM-05 Planetary Gear Motor - 12.0vdc 62:1 241rpm (4mm shaft) (Lynxmotion)

·    Special Sensor or System: 3-DOF arm with gripper; IP Camera.

·    Special Sensor or System: Written report number 2.

·    Weekly report 0

·    Weekly report 1

·    Weekly report 14

·    Weekly report 15


A simple way to create a page is with MS-Word.  See the link for instructions of how to create a web page using MS-Word and your Gatorlink account.  The file Web_page_UF_MS-Word.htm was created with MS-Word and a file named Web_page_UF_MS-Word.doc.


Another way to create a web page is described below.  You can create a webpage any number of ways.  I just take an html (hypertext markup language) file and modify as needed.  There is a good example at . 


This is my personal webpage.  The source file is available with your browser.  I have also included a simpler example called example_pg.html available at .


There are more instructions and examples for creating a webpage at .


Your Gatorlink website is where you should replace ems with your GatorLink ID.