[Inactive] Director, CongreGators Autonomous Heterogeneous Swarm Project (of ground and air vehicles)
Affiliate Faculty, Center for Intelligen Machines and Robotics
in Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
at UF
Affiliate Faculty Member, Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering
at UF
Office: MALA 3110, (352) 392-2541
[MALA = Malachowsky Hall, UF Building 1024] Lab: MALA 3001 Fax: Available upon request ECE Dept. Office: MALA 5000, (352) 392-0911
UF Campus/Mailing Address:
Dr. Eric M. Schwartz
1889 Museum Rd
Malachowsky Hall #3110
University of Florida
Gainesville FL 32611
I'm the Director of the
Machine Intelligence Laboratory
I'm a Faculty Member of the Center for Intelligent Machines and Robotics
I'm the Faculty Advisor for the
NaviGator AMS (Autonomous Maritime System) team, a first time entrant int the 2016 Maritime RobotX Challenge. We won world championship in December 2016!
I'm the Faculty Advisor for the three-time world champion autonomous submarine,
SubjuGator, winner of each of the
2005, 2006 and 2007
AUVSI Foundation and ONR's 8th, 9th and 10th
International RoboSub Competition .
We came in second place in 2012, 2013, and 2014. We have earned 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in 11 of the 27 years of this international competition.
I'm am the past and founding Faculty Advisor for
the NASA Lunabotics/NASABotics Robot Teams (at UF),
I'm a member of the UF's
Team Gator Nation, a semifinalist in the
2007 DARPA Urban Challenge autonomous vehicle
competition with our vehicle, the Urban NaviGator
Recent Awards:
2023-2024 HWCOE Undergraduate Faculty Advisor/Mentor of the Year Award. On April 29th, 2024.
2022-2023 Faculty of the Year, awarded by students of the UF ECE Department.
2012-2013 "University of Florida IEEE and HKN Teacher of the Year"
2011 "Student Involvement Award for Advisor of the Year" for my work
with IEEE and other students at UF. This is one of a number of
student-selected awards called a Chompy which are meant to "recognize
individuals for their tremendous contributions to the University of
Florida and the Gainesville community."
2010-2011 IEEE Southeast Region Outstanding Branch Counselor. This award “Recognizes the outstanding Branch Counselor or Chapter Advisor for contributions to the success of their IEEE Student Branch or Chapter.”
Kevin J. Phillipson, Michael G. Rywalt, Baibhab Chatterjee, Eric M. Schwartz, Greg Stitt, “Novel Toolset for Efficient Hardwired Micro-Op Translation in Embedded Microarchitectures,” IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, Vol 16:4, December 2024, pp 373-376.
Z. Bell, J. Nezvadovitz, A. Parikh, E. Schwartz, and W. E. Dixon, “Global Exponential Tracking Control for an Autonomous Surface Vessel: An Integral Concurrent Learning Approach,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 362-370 (2020).
Andrew C. Gray, Max Anderton, Carl D. Crane, Eric M. Schwartz, “Design, construction, and implementation of an inexpensive underwater passive SONAR,” Applied Acoustics, Vol 148, May 2019, pp 251-263.
Patrick Walters, Rushikesh Kamalapurkar, Forrest Voight, Eric Schwartz, Warren Dixon, "Online Approximate Optimal Station Keeping of a Marine Craft in the Presence of a Current." IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol 30, No 2, April 2018.
Andrew C. Gray, Eric Schwartz, "The NaviGator Autonomous Maritime System," Naval Engineers Journal, Vol. 129, No. 3, pp. 75-88, September 2017.
Nic Fischer, Devin Hughes, Patrick Walters, Eric Schwartz, Warren Dixon, "Nonlinear RISE-based Control of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle." IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO), Vol 30, No 4, pp. 845-852, August 2014.
Carl Crane, David Armstrong, Antonio Arroyo, Antoin Baker, Doug Dankel, Greg Garcia, Nicholas Johnson, Jaesang Lee, Shannon Ridgeway, Eric Schwartz, Eric Thorn, Steve Velat, and Ji Hyun Yoon, "Development of the NaviGator for the 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge," Experience from the DARPA Urban Challenge, Springer-Verlag, London, England, 2012, pp. 67-90.
Zohra Manseur, Eric Schwartz, Rashid Manseur, Keith Doty, “A Computational Algebra for Numbers with Physical Units.” International Journal of Computing and Mathematical Applications, Vol. 5, No. 1, January-June 2011, pp. 21-34.
Carl Crane, David Armstrong, Antonio Arroyo, Antoin Baker, Doug Dankel, Greg Garcia, Nicholas Johnson, Jaesang Lee, Shannon Ridgeway, Eric Schwartz, Eric Thorn, Steve Velat, Ji Hyun Yoon, and John Washburn, “Team Gator Nation: Autonomous Navigation Technologies Developed to Address the Requirements of the 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge,” submitted to AIAA Journal of Computing, Information, and Communication on September 7, 2007.
Hussain Sultan, and Eric M. Schwartz (mentor) 2007. “Robot Arm Manipulator Control for SG5-UT.” Journal for Undergraduate Research, Volume 9, Issue 2, Nov/Dec 2007.
Schwartz, Eric, and Manseur, Rachid, and Doty, Keith, 2003.
"Non Commensurate Manipulator Jacobian."
Proceedings of the IASTED International
Conference of Robotics and Applications, Salzburg, Austria, June 25-27, 2003.
Schwartz, Eric M., and Manseur, Rachid, and Doty, Keith L., 2002.
"Noncommensurate Systems in Robotics."
International Journal of Robotics and Automation,
Volume 17, Issue 2, pages 86-92, 2002.
Doty, Keith L., Melchiorri, C., Schwartz, Eric M., and Bonitvento, C.,
"Robot Manipulability."
IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation,
Volume 11, Issue 3, pages 462-468, June 1995.