Sky/Ground Modeling for Autonomous MAV Flight

S. Todorovic, M. C. Nechyba and P. G. Ifju
In this paper, we present a computer vision system for image statistical modeling, used to achieve flight autonomy of a Micro Air Vehicle (MAV) - a small aircraft equipped with a camera. The autonomous control and stabilization of a MAV is based on real-time horizon tracking, using the on-board vision system. Our objective is to statistically model sky and ground and to incorporate the model in the horizon tracking algorithm. The enormous variety of sky and ground patterns renders color information insufficient for accurate modeling, making us resort to texture analysis tools. Thus, we choose, beside hue and intensity of the HSI color space, the complex wavelet transform (CWT) for the feature space of our statistical model. The Hidden Markov Tree (HMT) model is particularly well suited for the CWT's inherent tree structure, as already intoduced in literature. Therefore, we implement the HMT model and obtain reliable and robust image segmentation, which we demonstrate on MAV flight images. Our statistical image modeling may contribute to autonomous performance of any intelligent system equipped with a camera. Its wide range of applicability is illustrated also for an intelligent, autonomous lawn mower.
S. Todorovic, M. C. Nechyba and P. G. Ifju, "Sky/Ground Modeling for Autonomous MAV Flight," to appear in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Taiwan, May, 2003 (424 kb).