Path Recorder

This is a Utility we use to save a human generated path in the global frame: /ecef.

Indyav Path Recorder inherits from the mil_tools TopicRecorder. We override the CallBack function to record odometry messages at a fixed rate.

Basic Usage Example

  • Launch SubjuGator in gazebo, clear the kill, and bring up subviz.

  • In a new panel, launch the recorder on odom topic: roslaunch indyav_launch path_recorder.launch record_topic:=/odom

    NOTE: This will start to spew the warning : path_recorder frame id is not in ECEF . you can safely ignore this warning for this example.

  • In a new panel, start recording: service call /path/path_recorder/enable "data: true"

  • In a new panel, command a move forward: submove f 5

  • Watch the sub move forward 5m in the rviz window

  • Stop recording in the same panel as you enabled (doesn’t actually matter where this command is issued): service call /path/path_recorder/enable "data: false"

  • If you like, you can now kill the path recorder by going to the terminal where it was launch and pressing: Ctrl + c

  • Play back the recording as a normal rosbag on a different topic and visualize it: rosbag play ~/test.bag  /odom:=/odom2 -l

  • Visualize this new topic in rviz by clicking Add and then /odom2 -> Odometry

  • Watch the red arrow advance from where the sub started to where the sub stopped updating approximately 10 times a second.

Source Files

indyav_path PathRecorder:

rosed indyav_path path_recorder.hpp


rosed indyav_path path_recorder.cpp

mil_tools TopicRecorder:

rosed mil_tools topic_recorder.hpp


rosed mil_tools topic_recorder.cpp

launch file:

rosed indyav_launch path_recorder.launch