Simulating SubjuGator

Launch Gazebo Server

In one panel, run:

$ roslaunch subjugator_launch gazebo.launch

This will launch the server side of the gazebo simulator. The gazebo server (a.k.a. gzserver) is the half of the simulator that will do all the heavy lifting in terms of simulating physics, running stock / custom plugins (of which we have many), and tying into ROS.

Run Gazebo Client

Gazebo also has GUI visualization component named Gazebo Client (a.k.a gzclient). This half of the simulator really only does image rendering of the simulated environment.


Simulated cameras are rendered in gzserver.

We have a custom alias setup to run the gazebogui with special parameters:

$ gazebogui

This will show you ground truth of the simulated environment. However, when debugging robot behavior, it is usually more usful to have an idea of exactly what the robot knows, which is why there is also Rviz.


You can visualize what the robot knows by running the sub visualization alias in a new terminal:

$ subviz

subviz is an alias which launches RVIZ with a configuration for SubjuGator. Generally speaking, this will show what information is available to the robot.

Clear the Kill

Whenever SubjuGator is initialized, it is a state called “kill” for safety. While in the kill state, the sub will not actuate in any way so it is safe for people the physically handle it. The sub must be put into a state of “unkill” to actually do anything. To unkill the sub, go to a new panel and run:

$ amonitor kill

and then hold Shift + C until the terminal turns green.

To initiate a software kill, press the space bar into the same terminal where you unkilled.

Give a move command

Give SubjuGator a move command with submove:

$ submove forward 5m

The sub should move forward by 5 meters.

See the current odometry

Try streaming the content of a rostopic in a new panel by running:

$ rostopic echo /odom