
SubjuGator 8’s hardware requires a watercooling loop for the CPU, graphics card, and ESCs.

Filling the Water cooling Loop


Filling the water cooling loop requires at least 2 people.


  • Sub Shore Power Supply

  • Sub battery tube cover

  • Sub battery cables

  • Large Funnel

  • Small Funnel

  • Stool or Chair

  • Deionized Water w/ Biocide

  • Vacuum Pump

  • Extra water cooling connectors and tubing

  • Water cooling reservoir

  • Bucket


While deionized water with biocide is preferred for longevity, distilled water will work fine. You should not use purified water. Bonus points if the water is dyed orange :)

No-Pump Procedure

These steps should be taken when there is no external pump to help with the filling process.


Exercise caution during steps 8 and 9 as the sub will be powered on with a water hazard nearby.

  1. Move the main vessel onto the wooden platform and down to the floor.

  2. Set up the environment as shown in the picture below.

  3. Gravity feed the system by filling the reservoir with water and letting the bubbles come out naturally. Move on when no more bubbles come out.

  4. Empty the reservoir until the water is below the “stove pipe” (metal tube inside the reservoir).

  5. Blow into the tube exposed to air to force the water into the loop while extracting the air inside of the loop. Make sure to fill the reservoir until the water is below the “stove pipe” when there is an air gap inside of the water inlet tube. Move on when you cannot remove any more bubbles.

  6. Attach the vacuum pump to the tube exposed to air and pump until the pressure reaches around 10 PSI. Pinch the outlet tube and break the vacuum to allow water to fill the low pressure spots. Repeat this step until at least a decent amount of water makes it past the pump.

  7. With water at the ready, connect the sub to shore power and fill the reservoir with water (you do not have to worry about the “stove pipe”).

  8. Wiggle the sub around while the pump is running to extract any trapped bubbles.

Emptying the Water Cooling Loop

The water cooling loop should be emptied before the sub is shipped anywhere. Emptying the water cooling loop is easier than filling it up.


Emptying the water cooling loop requires at least 2 people.


  • Vacuum pump

  • Extra water cooling connectors and tubing

  • Water cooling reservoir

  • Bucket
