Source code for mil_missions_core.wait

from typing import Type, Union

from .exceptions import ParametersException

[docs]def MakeWait(base: Type): """ Create a Wait mission with the specified base mission. Used by robotics platforms to reuse this mission with a different base mission. Args: base (Type): The base class to construct the Wait mission from. Returns: Wait: The constructed waiting mission. """ class Wait(base): """ Class to simply sleep for some time (by default 1 second). """ DEFAULT_SECONDS = 1.0 @classmethod def decode_parameters(cls, parameters: str): if parameters != "": try: return float(parameters) except ValueError: raise ParametersException("must be a number") return cls.DEFAULT_SECONDS async def run(self, time: Union[float, int]): self.send_feedback(f"waiting for {time} seconds") await self.nh.sleep(time) return "Done waiting." return Wait