Source code for mil_ros_tools.cv_debug

Shows images for debugging purposes.

import sys
from typing import Optional

import cv2
import numpy as np
import rospy
from axros import NodeHandle
from cv_bridge import CvBridge
from sensor_msgs.msg import Image

___author___ = "Tess Bianchi"

[docs]class CvDebug: """ Class that contains methods that assist with debugging with images. Attributes: width (int): The width of the debug image height (int): The height of the debug image nh (Optional[NodeHandle]): The node handle for the image stream. If ``None``, then images are displayed through the OpenCV GUI. total (int): ??? hor_num (float): ??? max_width (float): ??? max_height (float): ??? wait (bool): Whether or not to wait after showing the image. Set in the constructor. win_name (str): The name of the OpenCV GUI image display window. Defaults to ``"debug"``. """ def __init__( self, nh: Optional[NodeHandle] = None, w: int = 1000, h: int = 800, total: int = 8, win_name: str = "debug", wait: bool = True, ): """ Initialize the Debug class. Args: nh (NodeHandle): The node handle for the image stream w (int): The width of the image that smaller images are added to h (int): The height of the image that smaller images are added to win_name (str): the name of the window that is shown in opencv wait (bool): whether or not to wait after showing the image """ self.width = w self.height = h self.img = np.zeros((h, w, 3), np.uint8) = total self.hor_num = total / 2 self.vert_num = 2 self.max_width = w / self.hor_num self.max_height = h / self.vert_num self.wait = wait self.nh = nh self.curr_w = 0 self.curr_h = 0 self.num_imgs = 0 self.win_name = win_name self.name_to_starting = {} self.bridge = CvBridge() self.base_topic = "/debug/" self.topic_to_pub = {} if nh is None: = rospy.Publisher("/debug/image", Image, queue_size=10) else: = nh.advertise("/debug/image", Image)
[docs] def add_image(self, img, name: str, wait: int = 33, topic: str = "image") -> None: """ Add an image to show to either with a topic or using :meth:`cv2.imshow`. Args: name (str): A unique key name for the image, use the same name if you want to switch out this image for another. wait (int): The amount of wait time for the imshow image. topic (str): The name of the topic to publish the image to. """ color = "bgr8" print(img.shape) if len(img.shape) == 2 or img.shape[2] == 1: color = "mono8" if topic != "image": self._add_new_topic(img, name, wait, topic) return if self.wait: wait = 0 h, w = img.shape[0], img.shape[1] if w > h: img = cv2.resize(img, (self.max_width, h * self.max_width / w)) if h > w: img = cv2.resize(img, (w * self.max_height / h, self.max_height)) h, w = img.shape[0], img.shape[1] if name not in self.name_to_starting: if self.num_imgs == print("Too many images") return self.name_to_starting[name] = (self.curr_w, self.curr_h) self.num_imgs += 1 self.curr_w += w if self.num_imgs == / 2: self.curr_w = 0 self.curr_h = self.max_height if self.num_imgs > / 2: self.name_to_starting[name] = (self.curr_w, self.curr_h) my_w, my_h = self.name_to_starting[name] self.img[my_h : my_h + h, my_w : my_w + w] = img if self.nh is None: cv2.imshow("img", self.img) if cv2.waitKey(wait) & 0xFF == ord("q"): cv2.destroyAllWindows() sys.exit() else:, color))
def _add_new_topic(self, img, name: str, wait: int, topic: str) -> None: color = "bgr8" if len(img.shape) == 2 or img.shape[2] == 1: color = "mono8" pub = None if topic in list(self.topic_to_pub.keys()): pub = self.topic_to_pub[topic] elif self.nh is None: pub = rospy.Publisher("/debug/" + topic, Image, queue_size=10) elif self.nh is not None: pub = self.nh.advertise("/debug/" + topic, Image) self.topic_to_pub[topic] = pub pub.publish(self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(img, color))