Source code for mil_ros_tools.threading_helpers

from threading import Lock
from typing import Callable

[docs]def thread_lock(lock: Lock): """ A decortor for using an existing thread lock to thread-lock a function. This prevents the function from being executed by multiple threads at once. .. code-block:: python3 import threading lock = threading.Lock() @thread_lock(lock) def my_function(a, b, c): print(a, b, c) """ def lock_thread(function_to_lock: Callable): """ thread_lock(function) -> locked function Thread locking decorator If you use this as a decorator for a function, it will apply a threading lock during the execution of that function, which guarantees that no ROS callbacks can change the state of data while it is executing. This is critical to make sure that a new message being sent doesn't cause a weird serial interruption """ def locked_function(*args, **kwargs): # Get threading lock with lock: result = function_to_lock(*args, **kwargs) # Return, pretending the function hasn't changed at all return result # Return the function with locking added return locked_function return lock_thread