EEL6562 Sample Images

This page contains sample images used in the Mathematica notebooks listed in the course materials part of the web site. Three different formats are provided for each sample image: (1) whichever format is expected by the Mathematica notebooks; (2) BMP; and (3) JPEG.

The current image directory can now be downloaded as a single zip file (6 Mb).

Date added Preview Name prefix Formats
02/05 bakery256x256
02/05 ball1
02/05 ball2
02/05 ball_data
02/05 bills256x256
02/05 binary_tst
02/05 cat256x256
02/05 flowers256x256
02/05 hall1
02/05 hall2
02/05 outdoor1
02/05 outdoor2
02/05 part128x128
02/05 part192x144
02/05 sahara200x150
02/05 texture1
02/05 texture2
02/05 texture3
02/05 texture4
02/17 texture5
02/17 texture6
02/17 texture7
02/17 texture8

Last updated February 17, 2004 by Michael C. Nechyba