The final assignment was posted on 04/20/04 and is due 05/01/04.

EEL6562: Image Processing and Computer Vision (Spring 2004)

Instructor: Michael C. Nechyba
TA: Seth McNeill
E-mail: (best way to reach me)
Office: Benton 311
Office: Benton 324
Office hours: T: 2pm - 3pm; Th: 2pm - 4pm; and by appointment.
Office hours: M, W: 10:40am - 11:30am
Phone: (352) 392-6503 (poorest way to reach me)
Phone: (352) 846-3993

Class web page:
Class meeting: T: 5th & 6th; Th: 6th, NEB 201.

On-line stuff:



Course objectives:

This class introduces methods in image processing and computer vision. In recent years, with the growth in available computing power, the world wide web, and digital photography/video, and the need for automated analysis of images and video in diverse areas, such as robotics, content-based image retrieval and anti-terrorism applications, research in image processing and computer vision has exploded in recent years. While a one-semester course does not allow for comprehensive treatment of all this research, in this course, we will cover methods and algorithms in the following major areas: The basic goal of this course is for you to (1) know and understand the most common and successful methods and algorithms in image processing and computer vision developed to date; and (2) understand when and how these algorithms can be applied successfully to particular applications and images/video.
Your grade in this course will be entirely based on your work on approximately three assigned mini-projects as well as a semester project whose scope and area of application you define:
Class e-mail:
Many class announcements, clarifications and answers to student questions will be distributed primarily via e-mail. To get on the class e-mail list, you should send an e-mail to with the subject of the e-mail being EEL6562; be sure to include your full name in the body of the e-mail.
All assigned mini-projects and the semester project will require extensive programming on your part. You are free to use whatever programming environment suits you best (e.g. C/C++, Java, MATLAB, Mathematica, etc.). Throughout the semester, some code will be provided for you; most often, this code will be either in C or Mathematica. In particular, Mathematica will be used extensively for in-class demonstrations and examples, as it is the most sophisticated general purpose mathematical software package available, allowing text, equations, graphics, images, numerical and symbolic mathematics to be seamlessly integrated into notebooks. These notebooks will be distributed on-line, and can be viewed with free software (MathReader) available from Wolfram, Inc., the developer of Mathematica. To modify and experiment with the Mathematica notebooks, however, will require that you have access to a copy of Mathematica.
Academic honesty:
All students admitted to the University of Florida have signed a statement of academic honesty committing themselves to be honest in all academic work and understanding that failure to comply with this commitment will result in disciplinary action.

This statement is a reminder to uphold your obligation as a student at the University of Florida and to be honest in all work submitted and exams taken in this class and all others.

Last updated April 20, 2004 by Michael C. Nechyba