EEL6562 Source Code

Below, we provide source code for different topics covered in class. Each archive includes (1) C source code, (2) README file with compile instructions, explanations and examples, (3) sample data/sample results. The compile instructions assume that you have access to the 'make' utility; also paths are specified using the Unix/Linux convention (forward slash /).

Description Compressed archive
Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT)

This archive contains 1D and 2D DWT routines, as well as three simple example applications: (1) 1D basis function generation, (2) 2D image (PPM) DWT, and (3) 2D image (PPM) compression. archive (600 kb)
dwt.tgz archive (600 kb)
updated 02/17
DWT-base texture segmentation

This archive contains complete code to perform DWT-based texture segmentation experiments, similar to those illustrated using Mathematica in class and posted elsewhere on this course web page. It includes all necessary feature-extraction, DWT, and VQ C-code, as well as a perl script that goes from sample training and test texture images to VQ codebooks and VQ-labeled images. A Mathematica notebook is included to visualize results. Complete experiments should typically take at most a couple of minutes to compute and visualize. archive (6.3 Mb)
texture.tgz archive (6.3 Mb)
updated 02/17

Last updated February 17, 2004 by Michael C. Nechyba