IMDL Fall 2011 Final Reports




Final Paper

Wakeup Insurance


Chris Dobson

Wakeup Insurance job is to ensure that its owner wakes up on time. Wakeup Insurance performs a variety of actions to wake up its owner, and then return to sleep move and charges his battery.

Final Report
Demo Day MOV
Media Day 1 MOV
Media Day 2 MOV
Media Day 3 MOV
Media Day 4 MOV
Media Day 5 MOV



Noah Stahl

Philanthrobot is a charity collecting robot whose main goal is to seek out and attract potential donors. Philanthrobot will charm people into making a donation, thank them, and then look for another patron.

Final Report
Demo Day MOV
Media Day MOV



Lee Tsakh

Ball-E will collect tennis balls and launch them (one at a time) at a designated target.

Final Report
Demo Day 1 MOV
Demo Day 2 MOV
Demo Day 3 MOV
Media Day 1 MOV
Media Day 2 MOV


Roger Rodriguez

Packy is a packaging robot. He locates objects of a selected color, picks them up using a universal gripper, and places them in a plastic package. The gripper isĘ based on the interlocking property of granular materials when subject to vacuum, called jamming transition. (The gripper is based on a novel idea by researchers of the University of Chicago and Cornell University.)

Final Report
Demo Day MOV
Media Day MOV

Shot Bot


Nathan Barnwell

Shot Bot surveys an area for the target wearing enemy colors while avoiding obstacles. Once the enemy has been spotted, Shot Bot aligns, shoots, and elimates the adversary.

Final Report
Demo Day MOV
Media Day 1 MOV
Media Day 2 MOV



Aleksandras Kaknevicius

Sentinel will safeguard a narrow passage, blocking intruders or alerting others when an intruder has tried to pass it. If the correct password is given to the Senitnel (i.e., "singing a particular song"), he will allow entry through the protected area.

Final Report
Demo Day MOV
Media Day 1 MOV
Media Day 2 MOV
Media Day 3 MOV
Media Day 4 MOV
Media Day 5 MOV
Media Day 6 MOV



Charles Groom

PyroBot tracks and seeks rubies and sapphires (for his lady love back home). He will not move unless he hears loud sounds, music, or yelling pirates. Once PyroBot has found the jewels, he will attack the other ship and set it on fire with his on-board flame thrower.

Final Report
Demo Day MOV
Media Day MOV

Green Helper


Yue Bai

Green Helper will find a flower bot and water add water for the flowers if necessary, by detecting the soil mosture level.

Final Report
Demo Day MOV
Media Day 1 MOV
Media Day 2 MOV



Binyan Li

AR-4 can search through a maze to first find and then extinguish a fire.

Final Report
Demo Day MOV



Yushun He

DCR (Debris Clearing Robot) will remove debris that he encounters. DCR will gauge the size of the debris before attempting to remove it. If the debris is too large, DCR will sound an alarm

Final Report
Demo Day MOV
Media Day 1 MOV
Media Day 2 MOV



Phong Truong

Murphy tracks targets using a wireless IP camera and color blob detection. Once the target is found, he will eliminate it using a movified USB missile launcher on a pan/tilt servo system. Obstacle avoidance is performed by using two sonar sensors and four bump switches.

Final Report
Demo Day 1 MOV
Demo Day 2 MOV
Media Day MOV



Jiongran Zhang

Sweeper can find and sort recyclables (bottles and cans).

Final Report
Demo Day MOV
Media Day 1 MOV
Media Day 2 MOV



Navid Shahrestani

BridgeBot is an exploration robot capable of crossing over gaps that it encounters along its path.

Final Report
Demo Day MOV
Media Day 1 MOV
Media Day 2 MOV

Shop Mulinator


Marina Yokota

Shop-Mulinator is an automated mule type robot made for shoppers. He follows a shopper and carries their shopping items in his basket.

Final Report
Demo Day MOV
Media Day MOV



Mark Kampfer

Robocop will search for "criminals." Once found, he targets and then eliminates them with his anti-criminal weapon system.

Final Report
Demo Day 1 MOV
Demo Day 2 MOV
Demo Day 3 MOV
Demo Day 4 MOV
Media Day 1 MOV
Media Day 2 MOV



Kevin Hoffman

MOVS (Mobile Office Delivery System) delivers packages between rooms in a office building. She utilizes a camera to guide herself to her destination and uses sonars to avoids obstacles.

Final Report
Demo Day MOV
Media Day MOV



Chenran Ye

The Eos-Explorer will moved towards a desired location (using GPS), while avoiding obstacles. He will also send real time video images to a base station.

Final Report
Demo Day MOV