IMDL Spring 2001 Final Papers

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Robot Creator Description Final Paper
Miguel Arnedo Espia will move randomly looking for humans while exhibiting one of two behaviors: 1) Friendly: Will try to move towards the detected human. 2) Attacking: Will localize and shoot them with a disc gun. Additioanlly, Espia will have a wireless video camera. Final Espia Report (pdf)
Chung Chov A robotic hand similar to THING of The Adam's Family. This robot grabs an desired object and pushes away unwanted objects. It rests on a mobile base that allows it to roam around. Final Thing Report (pdf)
Julio Correa This robot will operte in an arena and locate a puck. Once the location of the puck is determined. the robot will bring the puck to a specified goal. Final Report on Aristarchus (pdf)
SLIK (Salt Laying Ice Killa)
Darren Curry This robot was designed to detect steel rebar beneith driveways and distribute salt to melt ice buildup. SLIK Final Paper (pdf)
Mark Gander The parent robot of a "parent-child" robotic system. This robot will identify "food" (steel spheres) and collect them. Final Pacbot Report (pdf)
Jerone Hammond

Jerone concentrating...
A voice activated cleaning robot. This robot will listen for vocal commands and then, upon receiving the appropriate command, clean a specified area. Final Jiggabot Report (pdf)
Philip the "Glass-Bot"
Pete Hardman A robot the searches for glass on the ground. Once found, the robot retrives the glass with a suction cup and deposits it in a safe location. Glass-Bot Final Report (pdf)
Prometheus I
Donald Hasson An antonomous vehicle that uses and infrared thermometer to determine the high and low temperatures present on a wall. Prometheus I Final Paper (pdf)
Speed Racer
Anthony Hinson

Tony's "portable" (20 lb.) computer...
An autonomous/teleoperated high speed robotic vehicle with a vision system. Speed Racer Final Paper (pdf)
Nick Ivano Magellan is an autonomous robot that navigates via GPS and a digital compass to preprogrammed coordinates. Magellan Final Paper (pdf)
Pet Buddy
David Martin This robot is an interactive pet toy. It will interact with an animal and provide entertainement. Pet Buddy Final Report (pdf)
Dhval Patel An interactive entertaining robot that communicates its mood with LEDs. LED Bot Final Paper (pdf)
Joshua Phillips An autonomous robot that navigates without feedback by using stepper motors. This robot was programmed to write phrases with a marker. Final Paper (pdf)
Thanida Phoonpirom A house keeping robot that cleans an area using a piece of cloth, detects small peices of metal, detects heat, and movement. MIA Final Paper (pdf)
David Rea A table wandering robot that cleans and collects objects. Uses a laser for object detection. Gopher Final Paper (pdf)
Uriel Rodriguez A robot that can detect dark areas in a room and hide small objects. Thief Final Paper (pdf)
Sean-Paul Verdes A small robot kit with an added accelerometer to determine its rate of falling. Final Report (pdf)

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