
The Machine Intelligence Lab has a unique student culture which creates a synergistic environment dedicated to the study and development of intelligent, autonomous robots. Without an application process, new members are encouraged to show up in MIL. We believe that learning occurs best by being inquisitive, and therefore we continually encourage all members to ask fellow MILers about their ongoing projects and tasks in order to learn about Subjugator and Navigator.


As of the Spring 2022 semester, each team has its own meeting schedules and strategies for completing projects.

The software team currently meets on Mondays and Fridays, and software members are highly encouraged to come. In these meetings, software members exchange ideas with each other and help get new members set up with MIL. Software members who are not able to attend the meetings can reach out to any lead to get information about what was shared in the meeting.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

MIL has always been, and will always be, strongly committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion.